First of all, let me acknowledge the quality of the package - it is great and exactly just what I was looking for!
However, I have not found much information about the shock size in the function lp_lin_iv. I suppose it's a unit shock. Is there any possibility to modify these values? An example could be evaluating variable responses to the monetary policy shock (e.g., 25 basis points increase in a given interest rate).
The impulse responses in lp_lin_iv are simply OLS estimates. If you want to measure the reaction to different shock sizes, you should recalibrate your shock series.
First of all, let me acknowledge the quality of the package - it is great and exactly just what I was looking for!
However, I have not found much information about the shock size in the function lp_lin_iv. I suppose it's a unit shock. Is there any possibility to modify these values? An example could be evaluating variable responses to the monetary policy shock (e.g., 25 basis points increase in a given interest rate).
Thank you for your clarification.