Adalab / project-promo-m-module-1-team-8

Repositorio del sitio web del equipo 404.
MIT License
0 stars 4 forks source link

1. Mobile web #4

Open silviaespanagil opened 3 years ago

silviaespanagil commented 3 years ago

Someone in the Internet could meet the adalabers and be willing to hire them


A tech recruiter is using Twitter to find candidates for a major client looking for front-end developers. Suddenly she come up with a tweet from @Adalab_Digital that links to a website created by the current students, the adalabers. The recruiter opens the website and finds out about the adalabers team and their contact info. She adds them to a front-end developers database and will contact them after the course.


silviaespanagil commented 3 years ago

Actualización de tarea y primera reunión:

PD: A recomendación de Ivan, creamos dos archivos index para que se pueda trabajar sin pisarnos las líneas