Corresponding code of 'Quiros A.C.+, Coudray N.+, Yeaton A., Yang X., Chiriboga L., Karimkhan A., Narula N., Pass H., Moreira A.L., Le Quesne J.*, Tsirigos A.*, and Yuan K.* Mapping the landscape of histomorphological cancer phenotypes using self-supervised learning on unlabeled, unannotated pathology slides. 2024'
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Dependency Conflict Error During Installation Using pip -r requirements.txt #7
I encountered some issues while setting up environments as following detailed:
When following the installation instructions using pip install -r requirements.txt, I encountered a dependency conflict error due to incompatible versions of h5py required by different packages in requirements.txt. This error prevents the successful installation of dependencies.
Error Message:
ERROR: Cannot install -r requirements.txt (line 2), -r requirements.txt (line 39), -r requirements.txt (line 69) and h5py==3.7.0 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
The conflict is caused by:
The user requested h5py==3.7.0
anndata 0.8.0 depends on h5py>=3
keras-applications 1.0.8 depends on h5py
nvidia-tensorflow 1.15.5+nv22.8 depends on h5py==2.10.0
Hi! Thank you for sharing this amazing work!
I encountered some issues while setting up environments as following detailed:
When following the installation instructions using pip install -r requirements.txt, I encountered a dependency conflict error due to incompatible versions of h5py required by different packages in requirements.txt. This error prevents the successful installation of dependencies.
Error Message:
Thanks in advance!