AdamBien / lightfish

Payara / GlassFish Monitoring Utility
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Escalation Configuration and Live Logs in HTML5 View #7

Closed rveldpau closed 11 years ago

rveldpau commented 11 years ago

I've added some pages so that you can add escalation scripts without using REST or the JavaFX client. I also added the Live Logs as a tab in the HTML5 view. In this first screenshot you'll see the Live Logs tab, with escalated rows highlighted in red. You'll also see the notification, in the top-right corner, informing you that a new notification has just arrived.

Screenshot from 2013-02-08 11:08:04

The columns that show in the Live log are configurable, although only via JavaScript at the moment. I hope to make a view configuration page later. Since the data there is limited I have added the ability so see more data if you double click on any Log line, as seen here:

Screenshot from 2013-02-08 11:11:14

In this view you can see all the details and, you'll be able to see the names of all the scripts that escalated that particular snapshot.

AdamBien commented 11 years ago

Are you aiming for more functionality, than commercial competition? :-)

rveldpau commented 11 years ago

Uum.. Kind of... We had AppDynamics for our server, when we were just running one JVM instance. We have now expanded to a cluster with 5 instances, with plans to add another server with 5 more instances. Unfortunately the company I work for doesn't want to make my life easy and pay for more licenses. So, back at JavaOne, I attended one of your talks about stress testing and noted that I might be able to use Lightfish as a persistent monitoring tool. So, I've finally got some downtime at work to be able to work on this, so I'm trying to get as much in as I can while I still have time. So I am attempting to replace a commercial product.

By the way, if you have any comments about my programming, or suggestions on how I can approve, I would be very appreciative. Unfortunately because I'm trying to get lots of functionality quickly I've been skipping unit tests. If you would like them for everything I add in the future I'd be happy to take my time and add them.

Thank you for creating Lightfish and getting the hard work out of the way of figuring out how to do this.

AdamBien commented 11 years ago

I like your programming style--its clean, no overengineering. Thanks! I reviewed the fork-join code. Faster data collection with LightFish may cause more load on the target machines. Any observations here? I would try to implement some additional metrics (application-specific monitoring) with your extension to get a better feeling about the changes.