AdamBrodzinski / meteor-flux-leaderboard

Flux Example with React & Meteor
131 stars 19 forks source link

Still active #7

Closed brandonmikeska closed 9 years ago

brandonmikeska commented 9 years ago

Hey looking into flux and wanted to know if this example was still being worked on?

AdamBrodzinski commented 9 years ago

Yep, I try to put in as much time as I can but it's been pretty hectic lately :smiley: Some time I would like to convert reac-tive-meteor repo to use flux (or a branch).

The most recent is the redux branch. I would recommend starting with that first if you're just starting out with flux. If you do make sure to breeze through the first part of the redux docs as it explains it at a lower level.

I'm planning on migrating all of my apps to Redux soon... the dev tools are great, it has a simpler concept, and easier to consume with React. Alt is my second favorite... both play well with Meteor!

brandonmikeska commented 9 years ago

Awesome! Thanks I really appreciate it. Planning on migrating a medium sized Rails app and want to do some research before jumping in.

AdamBrodzinski commented 9 years ago

Awesome! Yea def. checkout these to help you decide which one works best for you:



And the glue that makes it easy to use collections with Redux/flux (used in this repo):

brandonmikeska commented 9 years ago

Reading through these, do you advise such architectures from the beginning or do you move to these once you realize you will need them?

My brain is trying to grasp all the complexities and I am just wondering if it makes more sense when you need to do this, versus doing them just in case you might need to do it. If that makes sense...

AdamBrodzinski commented 9 years ago

So when I made my first React Native app I ran into this. I went with the basic, have the parent pass down data to the children approach. This worked for a bit but then I needed to suddenly prime that state from another component. I then either needed to push that state higher up the tree or use flux to create a 'global' state for others to consume.

If you're app is going to be larger than a leaderboard or todo example app, I would go with the extra work of learning Redux. It seems more complex but once you learn the concepts it will make your app more maintainable, (much) easier to reason about when debugging, etc...

Doing it the non flux way works but it gets messy when you're pushing down into props more than 3 levels deep. After that it's hard to tell where a prop originated from. It's also very hard to move the component without breaking something because it assumes those props will be threaded through.

With Reflux you solve the threading problem by using connect to slice off and watch a part of the single state tree and then it passes this state into a components props. you typically only push it down to 1-2 components, making it easy to track/change.

Decoupling logic outside of the view is also helpful and Redux/flux helps you do this. Though you don't have to use flux to do this of course.

The repo has an example of using the meteor mixin to sideload collection data and also decouples the view by putting stuff into a 'domain' object.

This method (meteor mixin) works but I find it to be less efficient. It's prob. the easiest to use if you're familiar with the 'meteor way' of doing things.

Redux is def. easier than learning CSS but it's one of those things that looks really complex until you understand it. Basically you're doing this in the lifecycle:

One last catch is using multiple reducers. Because having one reducer with one switch statement can be quite large, it allows you to have multiple reducers that only focus on one thing, and then it uses all of them in the order they're passed in.

Hope this helps!

brandonmikeska commented 9 years ago

Really appreciate it! Any chance you have an example with some sort of router?

AdamBrodzinski commented 9 years ago

Not with flux, but the reactive-meteor has one.

I do have this snippet to get FlowRouter to work with redux though.... :

FlowRouter.route('/about', {
  action: function(params, queryParams) {

    ReactLayout.render(MainLayout, {
      content: <About store={store} />


This is used instead of the provider in the redxu-react docs. If you use react-router then it works just like in the guides.

brandonmikeska commented 9 years ago

Yeah I meant with redux! The docs are making more sensing after reading through them a couple of times. 

— Sent from Mailbox

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Adam Brodzinski wrote:

Not with flux, but the reactive-meteor has one. I do have this snippet to get FlowRouter to work with redux though.... :

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AdamBrodzinski commented 9 years ago

Oh yea actually the above is with redux too lol. Yea for me actually doing to first part of the guide in the console made it 'click', it's a bit much if not. I also hit submit before pasting the code block, edited is above.

brandonmikeska commented 9 years ago

Awesome. I'm excited to try this out tonight. Thanks with all the help!

— Sent from Mailbox

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Adam Brodzinski wrote:

Oh yea actually the above is with redux too lol. Yea for me actually doing to first part of the guide in the console made it 'click', it's a bit much if not.

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brandonmikeska commented 9 years ago

So why did you change from Alt to reflux?

AdamBrodzinski commented 9 years ago

I assume you mean Redux (though I have used that too). I have Alt in two projects currently and am migrating away from it because:

That being said, Alt is my favorite out of the Flux bunch. Redux is tech. not flux but the same concept.

brandonmikeska commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I owe you a drink or food if I am ever in your area!

AdamBrodzinski commented 9 years ago

Haha no prob, glad to help! :beers: