AdamEssenmacher / GoogleApisForiOSComponents

A community-supported fork of the abandoned Xamarin.iOS.* binding libraries from Microsoft
MIT License
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[Inquire] .cake vs .targets #11

Closed WanftMoon closed 2 months ago

WanftMoon commented 2 months ago

Hi @AdamEssenmacher,

First of all, tyvm for your work!!

I've an inquire related to how the .xcframeworks are being included. Was trying to understand how the deps are figured out when things get build, and noticed that we have:

  1. components.cake that uses cocoapods to download the xcframeworks.

but then there is also:

  1. *.targets for each project (in this case, analytics) that also downloads stuff from an URL

and I also noticed that the cake is v19 while targets is v17. Who is priority in the build order? is *.target being used only when building outside of cake?