AdamEssenmacher / GoogleApisForiOSComponents

A community-supported fork of the abandoned Xamarin.iOS.* binding libraries from Microsoft
MIT License
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GoogleAppMeasurement has an incorrect or unknown format and cannot be processed. #24

Closed katkusmt closed 3 weeks ago

katkusmt commented 3 weeks ago


Thanks a lot for updating the iOS bindings!

I've updated the Plugin.FIrebase.CloudMessaging to the latest, but we're getting this error while building in our azure pipelines:

error : /Users/runner/Library/Caches/XamarinBuildDownload/GAppM-10.24.0/GoogleAppMeasurement-10.24.0/Frameworks/GoogleAppMeasurement.xcframework has an incorrect or unknown format and cannot be processed.

katkusmt commented 3 weeks ago

So I had Firebase.Analytics installed, version 2.0.2, which I think was causing the issue. I updated it to 3.0.0 and I installed AdamE.Firebase.iOS.Installations and it built fine on pipelines. Release and debug configurations work fine on physical iPhones as well.