AdamEssenmacher / GoogleApisForiOSComponents

A community-supported fork of the abandoned Xamarin.iOS.* binding libraries from Microsoft
MIT License
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Update references in support of MLKit barcode scanning #25

Closed bengavin closed 3 weeks ago

bengavin commented 3 weeks ago

Update the MLKit.Core and MLKit.BarcodeScanning components to the latest released Google MLKit iOS SDK version

bengavin commented 3 weeks ago

... I wondered if that would come back to haunt me... who the heck designed these files anyway ;)

@AdamEssenmacher - do you have a particular editor you're using to avoid things auto-formatting on you, I'm trying to figure out what settings were used in the first place so the files don't get all munged around for small changes.

AdamEssenmacher commented 3 weeks ago

'designed' is a really generous term 🙃

Rider is my daily driver. It doesn't reformat code unless I ask it to. I'd be super open to doing a formatting pass with stylecop or whatever, but would just rather do that work in an isolated PR so we can stay focused on what's actually changed. Like, I think the changed ApiDefinition.cs files here were entirely whitespace changes and didn't actually need to be involved in the PR.

I've reverted all the whitespace changes already locally; I just don't have permission to update the branch.

Other than that, this looks like really good work and I'm super happy to be able to bring it into the project. Microsoft never even got as far as publishing these MLKit packages, and I'm certain there will be some happy developers out there!

bengavin commented 3 weeks ago

Well, I think I've invited you to the repo with write access, I'm more than happy to take those whitespace changes :)

bengavin commented 3 weeks ago

One thing that's ... strange, if we ever get around to including the MLKit Vision stuff, I'm honestly not sure that there's any content, since the baseline vision requirements seem to be baked into MLKit.Core.

AdamEssenmacher commented 3 weeks ago

Alright @bengavin if you want to give me a 👍 on my updates to make sure I didn't accidentally strip away anything important, I'll push the squash button and start running builds to publish the MLKit stuff to Nuget!

I'll probably publish them first with an -alpha prefix until you can validate them.

bengavin commented 3 weeks ago

Looks good, just made one small tweak to remove a duplicate in the MLKit Core.targets file

AdamEssenmacher commented 3 weeks ago

Good catch.

Feel free to remove me from CoreBTS. Unless you want to put me on payroll 😂