Open AdamJSc opened 4 years ago
Maybe consider hiding this project? It would probably do more harm than good. And, very soon the supermarkets will find a way to ban this, e.g. a complete ban on booking for non-vulnerable customers.
I have made one using Shell which already supports multiple supermarkets. But, I decided not to release it though I predicted somebody else would also make one.
Hey @hangong, many thanks for getting in touch!
Yes you're right, it's true that a number of supermarkets are reviewing the way in which they're allowing home deliveries to be booked online. I've noticed that in some places these are starting to only become available to authenticated users who are pre-registered as belonging to one of the vulnerable groups advised by the Government, which is great news that their services are finally becoming more focused (albeit then potentially increasing demand beyond supply within these specific groups, but at least it's progress!)
However, many are still yet to put these measures in place at all (although in fairness, some have increased the number of home delivery slots available in general), which means those who need access to these services the most are still potentially missing out in the meantime.
There are a number of occasions on which available slots have been identified by this project which have then booked by other web users within seconds, so recipients have unfortunately still missed out (after all, it's only alerting recipients that slots are available, and doesn't go on to make a booking).
However, I've also been told of several cases whereby recipients have been able to go onto the site and book a much-needed home delivery slot that they otherwise would have missed out on were it not for this project.
Given how drastically the UK situation is changing each day, I'm hoping that eventually we won't need a project like this at all - but the more people we can help in the meantime, the better :)
I haven't had a lot of time to look at integrating other vendors/merchants yet so I'd be really interested to see how you've managed to implement checks on some other supermarkets, that sounds exciting!
My email is in the Readme in case you're able to share :)
Tesco, Sainsburys, Lidl, Gary's Fruit & Veg etc.