AdamNiederer / faster

SIMD for humans
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Indexing into an array / lookup table (lut)? #70

Open fzyzcjy opened 3 years ago

fzyzcjy commented 3 years ago

Hi thanks for the lib! My usage needs to index into an array based on a value. Shortly speaking, it is doing something like:

for x in 0..width {
  let a = array_one[x+42] - array_one[x-42]; //???
  let b = ...some arthi op on `a` which I know faster can do...
  let c = array_two[b]; //???

Question: How can I parallalize the array indexing operation? There do exist SIMD intrinsics for such lut(lookup table) operations. I have used OpenCV's universal intrinsics in C++, and it did provide one: