AdamNiederer / ng2-mode

Angular Support for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
73 stars 11 forks source link

Angular Language service integration? #22

Open kresdjan opened 4 years ago

kresdjan commented 4 years ago

Does this package integrate with Angular Language service? Or any plans to do so? Thanks.

josteink commented 4 years ago

I'm not going to make any statements on @AdamNiederer's behalf, but I would suspect that supporting a language server is something you request in lsp-mode, a minor-mode and LSP-client dedicated to supporting as many language servers as possible.

sdiltsDNRC commented 1 year ago

It's pretty easy to add it in yourself. See

If you want to use eglot (which will be included in the next version of Emacs!), you can do something similar: