AdamWagner / stackline

Visualize yabai window stacks on macOS. Works with yabai & hammerspoon.
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Stackline shows over windows #104

Closed hamir-suspect closed 2 years ago

hamir-suspect commented 2 years ago

as can be seen in the screenshot, stackline is shown over my google chrome, settings will be attached, I am running this on macbook pro m1 screenshot

c = {} c.paths = {} c.appearance = {} c.features = {} c.advanced = {}

-- Paths c.paths.yabai = '/opt/homebrew/bin/yabai'

-- Appearance c.appearance.color = { white = 0.90 } -- Indicator background color, e.g., {red = 0.5, blue = 0 } c.appearance.alpha = 1 -- Opacity of active indicators c.appearance.dimmer = 4.5 -- Higher numbers increase contrast b/n focused & unfocused state c.appearance.iconDimmer = 1.1 -- Higher numbers dim inactive icons less than the non-icon indicators c.appearance.showIcons = true -- Window indicator style ('lozenge'-shaped when false) c.appearance.size = 32 -- Size of window indicators (height when icons off) c.appearance.radius = 3 -- Indicator roundness. Higher numbers → less roundness… I'm sorry c.appearance.iconPadding = 4 -- Space between icon & indicator edge. Higher numbers → smaller, more inset icons c.appearance.pillThinness = 6 -- Aspect ratio of pill-style icons (width = size / pillThinness)

c.appearance.vertSpacing = 1.2 -- Amount of vertical space between indicators

c.appearance.offset = {} -- Offset controls position of stack indicators relative to the window c.appearance.offset.y = 2 -- Distance from top of the window to render indicators c.appearance.offset.x = 4 -- Distance away from the edge of the window to render indicators

c.appearance.shouldFade = true -- Enable/disable fade animations c.appearance.fadeDuration = 0.2 -- Duration of fade animations (seconds)

-- Features c.features.clickToFocus = true -- Click indicator to focus window. Mouse clicks are tracked when enabled c.features.hsBugWorkaround = true -- Workaround for

c.features.fzyFrameDetect = {} -- Round window frame dimensions by fuzzFactor before identifying stacked windows c.features.fzyFrameDetect.enabled = true -- Enable/disable fuzzy frame detection c.features.fzyFrameDetect.fuzzFactor = 30 -- Window frame dimensions will be rounded to nearest fuzzFactor

c.features.winTitles = 'not_implemented' -- Valid options: false, true, 'when_switching', 'not_implemented' c.features.dynamicLuminosity = 'not_implemented' -- Valid options: false, true, 'not_implemented'

c.advanced.maxRefreshRate = 0.5 -- How aggressively to refresh Stackline. Higher = slower response time + less battery drain

return c

hamir-suspect commented 2 years ago

A visit to issue #57 helped me resolve this