AdamWagner / stackline

Visualize yabai window stacks on macOS. Works with yabai & hammerspoon.
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[Documentation] Import failing when using custom config directory #96

Closed lkubb closed 1 year ago

lkubb commented 2 years ago

Having followed the installation instructions, Hammerspoon will complain about missing files when using a custom configuration directory. This is the case for me since I'm trying to force most of my tools to adhere to the XDG spec for easy configuration backups. (for reference: defaults write org.hammerspoon.Hammerspoon MJConfigFile "~/.config/hammerspoon/init.lua")

    no file '/Users/jeanluc/.hammerspoon/stackline/stackline/stackline.lua'
    no file '/Users/jeanluc/.config/hammerspoon/stackline/stackline.lua'
    no file '/Users/jeanluc/.config/hammerspoon/stackline/stackline/init.lua'
    no file '/Users/jeanluc/.config/hammerspoon/Spoons/stackline/stackline.spoon/init.lua'

This behavior is probably caused by the stackline helper hardcoding the config path.

I think a note and workaround in the installation instructions for this behavior would make sense. My workaround is just to include the modified helper in my init.lua:

package.path = os.getenv'HOME' ..'/.config/hammerspoon/stackline/?.lua;' .. package.path
stackline = require 'stackline.stackline'

Edit: Or just use hs.configdir instead of hardcoding the path, if that's possible. This is my first time being confronted with Lua.


Thanks for your work on stackline. :)