AdamWilsonLab / emma_report
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Data download #17

Open adammwilson opened 8 months ago

adammwilson commented 8 months ago

add links to park reports to download (just for the park):

  1. post fire age
  2. divergence metrics (crude ones for now)
  3. mean ndvi
  4. others?
bmaitner commented 8 months ago

Vegetation age downloads have been added. Each report contains a link to a park-specific gpkg file. (Currently cropped to a 10 km buffer around the park). I can change this to a raster if that would be more useful.

bmaitner commented 7 months ago

A crude divergence metric (based on mean NDVI) has been added. Delta NDVI = current NDVI - Mean NDVI. Available now in the reports at

bmaitner commented 7 months ago

MEAN NDVI is available via envdata, but I can add a link to the report if it would be useful.

bmaitner commented 7 months ago

Updated the reports and report generator code. The reports now include links to download the mean NDVI as well as a raster version of the vegetation age layer.

bmaitner commented 6 months ago

Add Data download link table to report