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tidy up qmito #297

Closed ChristinaXu2017 closed 2 years ago

ChristinaXu2017 commented 2 years ago


The qmito project seems very draft, it is runnable but the options are ambiguous, documents were very dated. The two modes are totally independent, so we made two sets of usage options. These options are renamed based on our name conversion rule. The document is updated.

Updated tool options for metic mode is shown as below:

usage: java -cp qmito.jar --output <output> --input <bam file> --reference <reference file> --log <logfile> [options]
Option                        Description                                                            
------                        -----------                                                            
--help                        Show usage and help.                                                   
--input                       Req, a SAM/BAM file with full path                                     
--log                         Req, Log file with full path.                                          
--loglevel                    (Opt, Logging level [INFO,DEBUG], Def = INFO.                          
--lowread-count <Integer>     (Optional) Specify an integer here. It will report true if the coverage
                                on that base is lower than this integer.                             
--mito-name                   Opt, specify mitochondrial sequence name listed on reference file,     
--nonref-threshold <Integer>  (Optional) Specify an integer here. It will report true if the non-    
                                reference ratio on that base is higher than this proportion .        
--output                      Req, a full path TSV format file                                       
--query                       Opt,A string with double quotation, following qbamfilter query rule.   
                                Default query is "and (flag_NotprimaryAlignment == false,            
                                flag_ReadUnmapped == false)"                                         
--reference                   Req, a reference file with fa format where input BAM files are mapped. 
--version                     Show version number.                                                   

Updated tool options for metic mode is shown as below:

usage: java -cp qmito.jar --output <output> --input-control <control metric input> --input-test <test metric input> --log <logfile> [options]
Option           Description                                                           
------           -----------                                                           
--help           Show usage and help.                                                  
--input-control  Req, a metric file of control sample with tsv format, created by      
--input-test     a metric file of test sample with tsv format, created by qmito/qpileup
--log            Req, Log file with full path.                                         
--loglevel       (Opt, Logging level [INFO,DEBUG], Def = INFO.                         
--output         Req, a full path TSV format file                                      
--version        Show version number.                  

Type of change

Please delete options that are not relevant.

How Has This Been Tested?

unit test is added and also run on real data.

Are WDL Updates Required?

not required
