Adastros / audiophile

A static E-Commerce website selling high quality audio products
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Create the Home Page for the Mobile View #5

Open Adastros opened 1 year ago

Adastros commented 1 year ago


Initial Layout Issue Tracker

Styling Homepage Issue Tracker

Testing Homepage Tracker

Homepage Functionality Tracker


The goal of this issue is to create the mobile view of the home page.

Action Items


Adastros commented 1 year ago

ECD: 12JUL23

Adastros commented 1 year ago

While working on this issue, I realized that new header and footer JSON files needed to be created to house data such as icons and text. The JSON files for each page should house the content separately from the header and footer since the header and footer are shared between all the pages on the website.

New issues were created and added as dependencies for this issue. Once the new issues are completed, I will resume working on this issue.

Adastros commented 1 year ago

New ECD: 18JUL2023

Progress: Created initial layout of header and banner sections. Currently, refactoring those sections to use React context instead of prop drilling to simplify passing values to components. Context was chosen due to data on the site being static.

Adastros commented 1 year ago

Moving forward, this issue will house all of the dependency issues needed to fully create the homepage of the website. Parts of the homepage will be broken down into smaller issues to improve the workflow and traceability.

Adastros commented 1 year ago

Reorganizing dependencies in this issue by grouping dependencies into separate issue trackers. This issue will serve as a high-level issue tracker for the completion of the homepage.