C:\Users\addalin\Dropbox\Lidar\lidar_learning\learning_lidar\utils\misc_lidar.py:38: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Support for setting the 'text.latex.preamble' or 'pgf.preamble' r
cParam to a list of strings is deprecated since 3.3 and will be removed two minor releases later; set it to a single string instead.
plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r"\usepackage{amsmath}"]
C:\Users\addalin\Dropbox\Lidar\lidar_learning\learning_lidar\utils\misc_lidar.py:38: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Support for setting the 'text.latex.preamble' or 'pgf.preamble' r cParam to a list of strings is deprecated since 3.3 and will be removed two minor releases later; set it to a single string instead. plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r"\usepackage{amsmath}"]