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Migrate to release-it v11 #235

Closed webpro closed 5 years ago

webpro commented 5 years ago

Sometimes I check to see how projects are using release-it. I saw your project and an outdated release-it configuration, so here is my PR to fix a few things. I was mainly triggered by the fact that the "dist" feature is no longer in release-it. But with a few commands this can be replicated easily.

Let me know if you have any questions!

You might also be interested to know a GitHub release is as easy as adding "github": { "release": true } } to the release-it config file, and setting a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. See for more details.

mixonic commented 5 years ago

@webpro this looks fantastic. I appreciate the contribution. I'll follow up in another PR if there are any lingering items.

I've been a long time use of np, and sometimes of various Ember community release tools. This is my first time working with release-it and you're helping me learn a lot. Thank you!

mixonic commented 5 years ago

Thanks sir!

webpro commented 5 years ago

No problem, happy releasing!