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Upgrade ts-node: 9.1.1 → 10.8.1 (major) #347

Closed depfu[bot] closed 2 years ago

depfu[bot] commented 2 years ago

Here is everything you need to know about this upgrade. Please take a good look at what changed and the test results before merging this pull request.

What changed?

✳️ ts-node (9.1.1 → 10.8.1) · Repo

Release Notes



  • Fixed #1769: source URLs in source map cache were malformed on Windows, affecting code coverage reports (#1769, #1771) @cspotcode
  • Fixed #1778: typechecker was erronously resolving imports from ESM files as if they were from CJS files (#1778, #1782) @cspotcode



Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1767


  • Added support for module=NodeNext, module=Node16, .mts, .cts, .mjs, and .cjs file extensions (#1414, #1694, #1744, #1745, #1727, #1717, #1753, #1757) @cspotcode
  • Added ability to include file extensions in CommonJS imports (#1727, #1753) @cspotcode
    • Enables consistency with ESM, where file extensions are often mandatory
  • Resolves from emitted to source file extensions (#1727, #1753) @cspotcode
    • Must enable experimentalResolver, will be enabled by default in a future version (docs)
    • Typechecker requires importing the emitted file extension; ts-node resolves correctly to the source file. E.g. import "./foo.js" will execute foo.ts See also: TypeScript issue #37582
    • If typechecking is disabled, you can also use source file extensions. E.g. import "./foo.ts"
  • Added experimentalSpecifierResolution (#1727, #1753) @cspotcode
    • the same as Node's --experimental-specifier-resolution (Node docs)
    • can also be specified in tsconfig.json for convenience, to avoid the CLI flag
    • allows omitting file extensions in ESM imports, plus a few other CommonJS-style conveniences
  • Adds diagnostics property to TSError, with array of TypeScript diagnostic objects from the compiler (API docs) (#1705, #1706) @paulbrimicombe


  • Renames option experimentalResolverFeatures to experimentalResolver (docs) (#1727) @cspotcode
  • Internal change to ESM loader for compatibility with forthcoming node versions: returns shortCircuit: true (#1714, #1715) @cspotcode
  • Performance: Optimize filesystem stat calls in ESM loader and new CommonJS resolver (#1758, #1759) @cspotcode
  • Performance, maintenance: Upgrade source-mapper dependency "@cspotcode/source-map-support"
    • Switches to "trace-mapping" for underlying source-map parsing (#1729) @cspotcode


  • Fixed bug where REPL .type command was not showing any type information when using TypeScript nightly builds (#1761, #1762) @cspotcode
  • Correctly suppress "Custom ESM Loaders" warning on newer node versions where the warning's prose changed (#1701) @cspotcode
  • Fixed REPL bug where function signatures could not be entered across multiple lines (#1667, #1677) @d9k
  • REPL treats unparenthesized object literals as objects, instead of as block scopes (#1697, #1699) @jhmaster2000
  • Fixed bug where preferTsExts combined with third-party transpiler hooks could disrupt nyc code coverage (#1755) @cspotcode
  • Fixed bug where file:// URLs in stack traces did not always use percent-encoding (#1738, #1726, #1729) @cspotcode
  • Fixed bug where v8-compile-cache-lib did not correctly unhook itself (#1717, #1718, #1719) @cspotcode
    • This internal dependency is used to speed up loading the TypeScript compiler




Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1680


  • Adds --esm flag, option, and ts-node-esm binary (#1258, #1655)
    • Enables full esm support; no need for --loader nor NODE_OPTIONS
    • Use shebang #!/usr/bin/env ts-node-esm, run ts-node --esm, or add to your tsconfig.json: "ts-node": {"esm": true}


  • Unflag ESM json modules on node >=17.5.0 (#1661, #1665) @Jamesernator
    • no longer requires --experimental-json-modules
  • Lazy-load dependencies to improve startup responsiveness. (#1676)


  • Fixed bug where "compiler", "transpiler", and swc backend would not resolve relative to the tsconfig.json that declared them (#1662, #1655)
    • Enables reusable tsconfig.json shared via node module to include necessary dependencies



Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1666


  • Adds workaround for extensionless entrypoints with ESM loader (#1649, #1654)
    • You can now combine tools such as mocha with --loader ts-node/esm, where previously node would throw [ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION]
    • node has a bug where combining --loader with an extensionless entrypoint causes this error nodejs/node#33226
    • Some tools, for example mocha, have an extensionless entrypoint. (source, source)
    • Combining NODE_OPTIONS=--loader ts-node/esm with these tools causes this error. mochajs/mocha#4645
    • node intends to fix this bug in a future release: nodejs/node#41711
    • In the interim, we have implemented a workaround in ts-node.
  • Adds support for target "ES2022" in moduleTypes overrides (#1650)


  • Fixed bug where --swc and other third-party transpilers did not respect moduleTypes overrides (#1651, #1652, #1660)
  • Fixed bug where node flags were not preserved correctly in process.execArgv (#1657, #1658)
    • This affected child_process.fork(), since it uses process.execArgv to create a similar child runtime.
    • With this fix, child_process.fork() will preserve both node flags and ts-node hooks.
  • Fixed compatibility TypeScript 4.7's API changes (#1647, #1648)



Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1634


  • Eliminate "Emit Skipped" errors (#693, #1345, #1629)
    • Avoids all "Emit Skipped" errors by performing a fallback transpileOnly-style transformation.
    • Does not affect typechecking. Type errors are still detected and thrown.
    • Fallback has the same limitations as isolatedModules. This will only affect rare cases such as using const enums with preserveConstEnums disabled.
    • Fixes #693
  • Graduate swc transpiler out of experimental; add swc: true convenience option (docs) (#1487, #1536, #1613, #1627)
    • "swc": true or --swc will use swc for faster execution
    • This feature is no longer marked "experimental." Thank you to everyone who filed bugs!
  • swc transpiler attempts to load @swc/core or @swc/wasm dependencies from your project before falling-back to global installations (#1613, #1627)
    • global fallback only occurs when using a global installation of ts-node
  • Add support for TypeScript's traceResolution output (docs) (#1128, #1491) @TheUnlocked
  • Support import assertions in ESM loader (docs) (#1557, #1558, #1559, #1573) @Pokute, @geigerzaehler
    • Allows importing JSON files from ESM with the requisite flag (docs)
  • ts-node -vvv also logs absolute paths to ts-node and typescript, to make it more obvious when you're accidentally using globally-installed versions (#1323, #1620)
  • Add swc target "es2022" (#1535, #1540)
    • When you have target es2022 in tsconfig, will use swc's es2022 target


  • Initialize TypeScript compiler before starting REPL prompt (#1498) @TheUnlocked
    • Improves responsiveness for first line of REPL input
  • Use v8-compile-cache-lib to load typescript
  • Support both --camelCase and --hyphen-case for all CLI flags; update documentation to use --camelCase (#1598, #1599)
    • Not a breaking change; CLI continues to accept both forms
  • Make TSError diagnosticText property non-enumerable to prevent it from being logged below the stack (#1632)


  • Fix #1538: REPL inputs fail to transpile via swc (#1538, #1541, #1602)
  • Fix #1478: REPL erroneously logged undefined for all inputs after the first when using swc transpiler (#1478, #1580, #1602)
  • Fix #1389: In --showConfig output, emit accurate moduleTypes paths resolved relative to the tsconfig.json which declared them (#1389, #1619)
  • Fix: Remove indentation from ts-node --help output (#1597, #1600)
  • Fix #1425: Merged definitions correctly into tsconfig.schemastore-schema.json (#1425, #1618)
  • Fix: Allow disabling "use strict" emit in SWC transpiler (#1531, #1537)
  • Fix: Add missing ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION constructor; was throwing ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION is not a constructor (#1562) @bluelovers
  • Fix #1565: entrypoint resolution failed on node v12.0.x and v12.1.x (#1565, #1566) @davidmurdoch



  • Adds experimental experimentalResolverFeatures option, but it does not do anything yet (#1514, #1614)




  • Adds support for targets "es2020" and "es2021" to swc transpiler (#1521)
  • Adds automatic target downgrade when using older versions of swc (#1521)
    • If tsconfig specifies es2020, but your version of swc only supports up to es2019, ts-node will automatically switch to es2019 instead of throwing an error








Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1507


  • Declare types for node builtin modules within REPL so you do not need to import them (#1424, #1500)
    • Node REPL exposes builtin modules as globals; typechecker now understands this
    • Typechecking should no longer raise errors when using builtins without first importing
    • For example: util.promisify(setTimeout)(1000) or fs.readFileSync('example.txt')
  • Add createEsmHooks() function to create ESM loader hooks (API docs) (#1439) @nonara
    • Can be used to compose our loader hooks with another loader or additional logic
  • register() accepts a ts-node Service (API docs) (#1474)
    • register(options) is still supported; no breaking changes
  • Add support for Node.js's new loader hooks API (#1372, #1457, #1007) @jonaskello
    • Node.js has changed their loader hooks API
    • ts-node is compatible with all node versions, detects your node version and exposes the correct hooks API
    • Node's new API currently only available in node v17 nightly builds
    • Node will eventually backport the changes to node 16, and may also be backport to 14 and 12
  • Add --emit to --help output (#1400, #1484) @markbradley27


  • When ts-node is registered and other libraries require('source-map-support'), they will be redirected to @cspotcode/source-map-support
    • See complete description in Fixed section below


  • Fix #1440, #1441, #1438, #1495: Incorrect stack traces when third-party libraries use source-map-support instead of @cspotcode/source-map-support (#1440, #1441, #1438, #1495, cspotcode/node-source-map-support#23, #1496, #1497) @ejose19
    • When ts-node is registered and other libraries require('source-map-support'), they will be redirected to @cspotcode/source-map-support
    • ts-node uses @cspotcode/source-map-support for the fixes and enhancements listed here: @cspotcode/source-map-support changelog
    • To ensure correct stack traces, all libraries must share a compatible sourcemap support implementation
  • Fix #1363: REPL may erroneously combine previous input with next input, eval both as a single statement (#1363, #1480) @TheUnlocked
    • For example, entering 100 on first line and * 2 on second line would erronously be interpreted as 100 * 2
    • REPL now ensures both lines are separate statements, both when typechecking and when evaluating
  • Fix #1488: Node may log "circular dependency" warning when using allowJs (#1488, #1489)
  • Fix #1301: Filter empty strings from TS_NODE_IGNORE and TS_NODE_IGNORE_DIAGNOSTICS; treat empty environment variable as empty array (#1301, #1483) @ValeriaVG
    • TS_NODE_IGNORE= ts-node ./example.ts will disable default ignore rules; will compile files in ./node_modules


  • Update VSCode debug configuration (Docs) (#1466)
  • Update ESM-related messaging to clarify that experimental status is due to Node.js, not ts-node (#1455)
  • Refer to ts-node consistently (#1481) @animafps




  • Fixes #1426: Do not import typescript outside of configuration/project loading (#1433, #1426) @Songkeys
    • We take care to load your project's version of typescript, falling back to a globally-installed version if necessary.
    • 10.2.0 introduced a bug where we did not do this consistently, causing global or npx installations of ts-node to attempt loading typescript relative to themselves, not your project.
    • This failed if typescript was not globally installed or npx did not install peer dependencies.



Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1423


  • Adds top-level await support to REPL (#1383, #245) @ejose19
    • can be disabled with --no-experimental-repl-await, experimentalReplAwait, or TS_NODE_EXPERIMENTAL_REPL_AWAIT (CLI docs, API docs)
  • Setting "pretty": false disables pretty formatting of diagnostics even when stdout is a TTY (#1418, #1420) @elevatebart
    • Applies to ts-node's pretty option, not to be confused with TypeScript's pretty option
  • Ignores diagnostics which are annoying in an interactive REPL (#1396, #1120, #729, #850, #469)
    • For example, when you input const foo = 1 in the REPL, foo is unused. We ignore the resulting diagnostic foo is declared but its value is never read
    • Diagnostics are only ignored in the REPL
    • Diagnostics for non-REPL files imported by the REPL will still be shown
  • Logged stack traces are colorized to match vanilla node's behavior (#1412, #1405)


  • Fix #1397: SWC transpiler should emit ECMAScript imports and exports when configuration dictates (#1409, #1397)
    • Enables SWC transpiler to be used alongside --loader
  • Fix #1403: source-map-support breaks rendering of node errors (#1405, #1403)
  • Fix #1410: rendering of async stack frames should include async annotations (#1405, #1410)
  • Fix #1411: wrong order of process 'exit' event and logging unhandled exception (#1405, #1411)
  • Fix #1419: Should not throw require.resolve error when @types/node peerDependency is missing (#1419, #1422)



Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1390


  • Add "moduleType" option to override module type -- CommonJS or ECMAScript -- on select files. (docs) (#1342, #1371, #1376)
    • Useful when a configuration file, for example webpack.config.ts, must execute as CommonJS but the rest of the project is ESM
    • selectively overrides package.json "type" and tsconfig.json "module"
    • akin to .cjs and .mjs extensions, but for .ts and .tsx files
    • thanks to @jayaddison for help on test coverage
  • Implement "extends" support for "ts-node" options in tsconfig.json (#1328, #1356)
    • "ts-node": {} options will be parsed from extended tsconfigs
    • allows sharing and deduplicating ts-node configuration
  • Un-deprecate scope and scopeDir; add both to CLI and tsconfig.json options; un-deprecate TS_NODE_SCOPE env var; add TS_NODE_SCOPE_DIR env var (docs) (#1346, #1367)


  • Improve error messages thrown by native ESM loader hooks (#1357, #1373) @tars0x9752
    • messages more closely match node; are more descriptive
  • Emit "ts-node" object at the top of --showConfig output instead of the bottom (#1355)


  • Fix #1282: Set correct globals in [stdin], [eval], and <repl> contexts (#1333)
    • More closely align ts-node's behavior with vanilla node
    • Affects the interactive REPL, piping to stdin, and ts-node -e
    • Matches node's behavior for globals __filename, __dirname, module and sub-fields of module, exports, and builtin module aliases fs, etc
  • Fix #1343: Set swc option keepClassNames to true (#1344)
  • Fix: #1387: REPL outputs 'use strict' after first empty line of input (#1388) @ejose19


  • Update ESM docs to say that env vars are supported with node --loader ts-node/esm (docs) (#1379)



Questions about this release? Ask in the official discussion thread: #1337

Breaking changes are prefixed with [BREAKING]


  • Adds --show-config to log the resolved configuration (docs) (#1100, #1243)
  • Bundle and re-export @tsconfig/node* configurations for convenience (docs) (#1202, #1236, #1313)
  • Default to appropriate @tsconfig/node* configuration based on node and typescript versions (docs) (#1202, #1236, #1313)
  • Automatically reference @types/node; use globally-installed @types/node if not locally installed (#1240, #1257)
  • Add swc integration and new --transpiler option to use third-party transpilers for a massive speed boost on large codebases (docs) (#779, #1160)
  • Add scopeDir API option (docs) (#1155)
  • Add projectSearchDir API option (docs) (#1155)
  • Add --cwd-mode and ts-node-cwd to resolve config file relative to cwd, not entrypoint script (#1155)


  • [BREAKING] Make --script-mode default behavior; resolve tsconfig relative to entrypoint script instead of cwd (#949, #1197, #1155)
    • In most cases this change will have no noticeable effect
    • Primarily benefits portable shell scripts on your $PATH, because ts-node will respect the script's local tsconfig.json
    • Use --cwd-mode or ts-node-cwd if you need legacy behavior
  • [BREAKING] ignore rules evaluate relative to tsconfig.json directory, otherwise cwd (#1155)
  • [BREAKING] Remove support for node 10. Minimum supported version is node 12 (#1312)
  • Rename --dir to --cwd; rename TS_NODE_DIR to TS_NODE_CWD (#1155)
    • --dir and TS_NODE_DIR are deprecated but still parsed for backwards-compatibility
    • --dir effectively changed the working directory of ts-node; renaming makes this behavior more obvious


  • Deprecate TS_NODE_SCOPE (#1155)
  • Deprecate --dir and TS_NODE_DIR (#1155)


  • [BREAKING] Internal APIs removed from type declarations (#1242)
    • Removed DEFAULTS, normalizeSlashes, parse, split
    • No features were removed
    • This will only affect consumers of ts-node's programmatic API


  • [BREAKING] Fix #1229 and #1235: always throw ERR_REQUIRE_ESM when attempting to execute ESM as CJS, even when not using --loader ts-node/esm (#1232)
    • This aligns our behavior with vanilla node
  • [BREAKING] Fix #1225: compiler is loaded relative to tsconfig.json instead of entrypoint script (#1155)
    • In most cases this change will have no noticable effect
  • Fix #1217: REPL not always using passed stdout and stderr (#1224)
  • Fix #1220: ts-node ./index may execute the wrong file extension because tsconfig search poisons the require.resolve cache (#1155)
  • Fix #1322: Sourcemaps fail for filenames with spaces or other characters which are percent-encoded in URLs (#1160, #1330)
  • Fix #1331: Resolution of node builtin modules in ESM loader fails on node >=12.20.0, <13 (#1332)


  • New documentation website:
    • README is generated to match the website
    • Added page explaining CommonJS vs ESM
    • Added page with Performance advice
    • Added Troubleshooting page
    • Organized and added to "Recipes" section with third-party tool integrations
    • Added TypeDoc-generated API docs
    • Work was spread across multiple tickets: #1207, #1213, #1221, #1228, #1244, #1250, #1294, #1295, #1296, #1297
    • Thanks to these contributors for PRs which improved our documentation
  • Added to document the codebase and our development workflow


Does any of this look wrong? Please let us know.


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codecov-commenter commented 2 years ago

Codecov Report

Merging #347 (a973cd2) into main (d8b1702) will not change coverage. The diff coverage is n/a.

@@           Coverage Diff           @@
##             main     #347   +/-   ##
  Coverage   60.97%   60.97%           
  Files           3        3           
  Lines          41       41           
  Branches        9        7    -2     
  Hits           25       25           
  Misses         16       16           

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depfu[bot] commented 2 years ago

Closed in favor of #353.