AddressFinder / addressfinder-magento

AddressFinder extension for Magento 2
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Fault with default country on checkout #78

Closed nigelramsay closed 3 years ago

nigelramsay commented 3 years ago

In some scenarios, the widgetConfig.defaultCountry is not set - and this causes issues when the widget is activated.


I believe the root cause of the problem is this line:

defaultCountry: this.widgetConfig.default_search_country

I think the default_search_country key is confined to PHP, and should not be used in JS/HTML. Here is the place where PHP configuration is prepared for conversion to JS -

This should be the last place that default_search_country is referred to. From this point onwards, it looks like default_country is the new key. ~I believe that default_country is translated into JS syntax as defaultCountry~ Not correct.

And I think that this block of PHP config is invected into the HTML here (note the json_encode function call):


We have 3 different keys which are mis-matched, and need to be understood why - and perhaps fixed/aligned:

There is an email trail of attempting to provide a workaround for this problem here:

The ultimate solution that got it going was change

file: view/frontend/web/js/magento-plugin.js line: 148 from: defaultCountry: this.widgetConfig.default_search_country to: defaultCountry: this.widgetConfig.default_country

ronjali commented 3 years ago

Here is the Hubspot ticket to follow up with customer when the issue is fixed:

rickardd commented 3 years ago

Can you give me more instructions of how to replicate the error for this issue? what exact page. Is it on page load or do I need to interact in a certain way? This is what I got so far, but none of the errors are related to the issue.



Also, can I get access to Hubspot so I can follow the issue.