AddressForAll / LIXO-digital-preservation-BR

Preservação digital das principais fontes digitais do AddressForAll-Brasil
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Gravatai #19

Closed crebollobr closed 2 years ago

crebollobr commented 3 years ago

make nsvia_none psql postgres://postgres@localhost/ingest2 -c "SELECT ingest.any_load('shp2sql','/tmp/sandbox/_pk14_001/PS_LOTEAMENTOS_SIRGAS 2000','nsvia_none','pk14_001_p2_nsvia','14_001','1ad669693352407105ccdeb37a4398d62b0accb25888122c84afe2788c121c7b.rar',array['gid', 'geom'])" ERROR: null value in column "ftid" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (49, 14.001, 1ad669693352407105ccdeb37a4398d62b0accb25888122c84afe2788c121c7b..., null, shp, 1, d186a1c53a1f6bc6105593edb7a32a48, {"file": "/tmp/sandbox/_pk14_001/PS_LOTEAMENTOS_SIRGAS 2000.shp"..., null). CONTEXT: SQL function "getmeta_to_file" statement 1 SQL function "getmeta_to_file" statement 1 PL/pgSQL function ingest.any_load(text,text,text,text,real,text,text[],text,boolean) line 16 at assignment make: *** [makefile:81: nsvia] Error 1

0e1 commented 2 years ago

Isso acontece porque nsvia_none não consta como um feature_type em

0e1 commented 2 years ago

nsvia_none deve ser um feature_type?

0e1 commented 2 years ago

Adicionei o tipo. Com isso, a ingestão funciona.

a4a@ubuntu:/opt/gits/_dg/preserv-BR/data/RS/Gravatai/_pk014$ make nsvia

------ Layer tipo nsvia_none  ------
-- Incluindo dados do arquivo-2 do package-14_001 na base ingest1 --
 Nome-hash do arquivo-2: 1ad669693352407105ccdeb37a4398d62b0accb25888122c84afe2788c121c7b.rar
 Tabela do layer geoaddress sem nome de rua, só com numero predial: pk14_001_p2_nsvia
 Sub-arquivos do arquivo-2 com o conteúdo alvo: PS_LOTEAMENTOS_SIRGAS 2000.*
 Tema dos sub-arquivos: Loteamentos
Run with tmux and sudo! (DANGER: seems not idempotent on psql)
Above user is root? If not, you have permissions for all paths?
 [press ENTER for yes else ^C]
psql postgres://postgres@localhost/ingest1 -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pk14_001_p2_nsvia CASCADE"
NOTICE:  table "pk14_001_p2_nsvia" does not exist, skipping
Extracting ....
cd /tmp/sandbox/_pk14_001; 7z  x -y /var/www/ "*PS_LOTEAMENTOS_SIRGAS 2000*" ; chmod -R a+rx . > /dev/null

7-Zip [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21
p7zip Version 16.02 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,4 CPUs Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge) (206A1),ASM)

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 1172335 bytes (1145 KiB)                      

Extracting archive: /var/www/
Path = /var/www/
Type = Rar
Physical Size = 1172335
Solid = -
Blocks = 12
Multivolume = -
Volumes = 1

Everything is Ok

Files: 7
Size:       738170
Compressed: 1172335
Conferindo se SRID 31982 esta configurado:
 srid  |                                    proj4text                                     
 31982 | +proj=utm +zone=22 +south +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs 
(1 row)

Tudo bem até aqui?  [ENTER para continuar ou ^C para rodar WS/ingest-step1]

Executando shp2pgsql ...
cd /tmp/sandbox/_pk14_001;  shp2pgsql   -s 31982 "PS_LOTEAMENTOS_SIRGAS 2000.shp" pk14_001_p2_nsvia | psql -q postgres://postgres@localhost/ingest1 2> /dev/null
Field area is an FTDouble with width 11 and precision 2
Shapefile type: PolygonZ
Postgis type: MULTIPOLYGON[4]
 public.pk14_001_p2_nsvia.geom SRID:31982 TYPE:MULTIPOLYGON DIMS:4 
(1 row)

psql postgres://postgres@localhost/ingest1 -c "SELECT ingest.any_load('shp2sql','/tmp/sandbox/_pk14_001/PS_LOTEAMENTOS_SIRGAS 2000','nsvia_none','pk14_001_p2_nsvia','14_001','1ad669693352407105ccdeb37a4398d62b0accb25888122c84afe2788c121c7b.rar',array['gid', 'geom'])"
NOTICE:  Ring Self-intersection at or near point -51.05654757382986 -29.937641680759029 0
NOTICE:  Ring Self-intersection at or near point -50.86399251906974 -29.913548594075738 0
 From file_id=1 inserted type=nsvia_none+
 in feature_asis 363 items.
(1 row)

Confira os resultados nas tabelas ingest.layer_file e ingest.feature_asis.