AddressForAll / digital-preservation-CO

Preservación digital de las principales fuentes digitales de AddressForAll-Colombia
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Colombia - Novo formato de dados pedido por patrocinador #8

Open ThierryAJean opened 3 years ago

ThierryAJean commented 3 years ago

Hi Thierry Peter, and Filipe,

My team took a look at the data and is asking for the following to be done:

Instead of a .sql file, our teams will would like to receive a holistic .tsv file that adheres to the following OpenAddresses schema (see here for example - OpenAddresses):

Lon : string, Lat : string, HouseNo : string, Street : string, Unit : string, City : string, District : string, Region : string, Postcode : string, ID : string, Hash : string, CountryIso2:string, Source : string

Lon, Lat, HouseNo, Street, City, Region (Admin1 in our data) and Postcode are the most important columns to be filled in order for the point to be processed as cleanly as possible – if the others are left empty then it should still be okay. A quick export script from the DB on your end should do the trick. For now while we evaluate, if the tsv is zipped and uploaded to the same sharepoint you shared with me, that should be fine.

Thanks, Simon

ppKrauss commented 3 years ago