AddstarMC / Minigames

The Minigames plugin for CraftBukkit servers.
MIT License
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Regions Event Request: Kill Detection #143

Open qixils opened 6 years ago

qixils commented 6 years ago

I've been trying to detect player kills on a few maps by detecting when a player gets a point but it's not the most reliable... also is annoying for when I want to setup a lives minigames, because then players can't see how many lives other players have.

qixils commented 6 years ago

Also just wanna post a second request here: Add an action to set a player's team. I'm trying to find a work around for the max players per team option not working on gamemodes besides infection (where it doesn't work as I'd want it to), and I thought I could do it using some spawn points & regions but there's no actual action to set a player's team.

qixils commented 6 years ago

actually i'll move it so a seperate issue

Narimm commented 6 years ago

We have a

qixils commented 6 years ago

But that's for detecting when a player dies, right? I'm trying to get the killing player, not the player who was killed.