AdeelH / find-on-reddit

A light-weight Chrome extension that searches for submissions of the current URL on Reddit
MIT License
16 stars 1 forks source link

Feature Request: Search/Find the current link mentions in the reddit comments section to see all the interesting discussions of it #24

Open Droyk opened 3 years ago

Droyk commented 3 years ago

Just like this extension: it shows the mentioned link title, comments, upvotes/downvotes, all of the relevant information instead of URL which is time-saving & convenient but the developer is lazy. I've told him many bugs in the period of 6 months to this day not a single one has been fixed. & it's not open source. so It would be great if you add this functionality to your extension. you don't need to add all of the features of the above extension right away (though if you add it would be really time-saving, convenient & would be really helpful to find all interesting discussions.) just add the permalink of the parent comment or the exact comment to find the relevant discussion!

the biggest con of the above extension is it just doesn't find all the discussions that reddit has of the current URL. If I search it directly using google or reddit. I'll find tons of links but through the above, I rarely find the treasure trove.

Check out the extension & see what you can do about it & if you are gonna implement this feature at the very least it should show every discussion that can be searched through google and reddit own search engine just by searching the URL!

AdeelH commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion!

Just to be clear, the main thing that you're looking for is the ability to search within comments for the current URL; is that correct?

I think the idea of using Google search is good. I don't believe Reddit has an API for searching comments and I don't think Reddit search is good enough to do that.

I think using PushShift API might also be a way to approach this. I had previously made an issue (#18) to explore that but never found the time.

I think if we can add this, it would also allow searching for text posts (instead of just link posts) which is something I've wanted for a while.

I cannot really promise any timeline for adding this though, since I don't have much free time these days, but if you manage to make some progress before I am able to get to it, feel free to make a PR.

Droyk commented 3 years ago

Just to be clear, the main thing that you're looking for is the ability to search within comments for the current URL; is that correct?

Yup and to also search for it in the post as well e.g. image

I cannot really promise any timeline for adding this though, since I don't have much free time these days, but if you manage to make some progress before I am able to get to it, feel free to make a PR.

Hmm, that's the problem. I'm not a developer. if I was one we wouldn't be having this conversation! please whenever you get the time work on it. it'll increase your userbase. if you use this extension frequently then this feature is bound to increase your productivity.