AdeelK93 / collapsibleTree

Create Interactive Collapsible Tree Diagrams in R using D3.js
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collapsibleTree function for creating tree diagrams directly from a data.tree object #4

Closed steadyfish closed 7 years ago

steadyfish commented 7 years ago

@AdeelK93, thanks for creating this wonderful r package.

I was wondering if you could add a function that creates collapsibleTree diagrams directly from a data.tree object.

A use case - I am creating data.tree object from separate links and nodes dataset and it needs some preprocessing before it's ready for visualization -

d_edge = data.frame(from = c(-1, 0, 0, 1, 2), to = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) # edge data.frame
d_node = data.frame(node = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), # node data.frame
                    type1 = c("country", "state", "state", "city", "city"),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # attributes
d_comb = d_edge %>% left_join(d_node, by = c("to" = "node"))
node_a = FromDataFrameNetwork(d_comb)

node_b = Clone(node_a$children[[1]]) # removed redundant -1 node

node_b now is ready for visualization. If we make some minor changes to collapsibleTree function we can visualize this data.tree -

Something like -

collapsibleTree1 <- function(node, hierarchy ,root = deparse(substitute(df)),
                             inputId = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL,
                             attribute = "leafCount", aggFun = sum, 
                             fill = "lightsteelblue", fillByLevel = TRUE,
                             linkLength = NULL, fontSize = 10, tooltip = FALSE) {

  # preserve this name before evaluating node
  root <- root

  # reject bad inputs
  if(!(is(node) %in% "Node")) stop("node must be a data tree")
  if(!is.character(fill)) stop("fill must be a character vector")
  if(length(hierarchy) <= 1) stop("hierarchy vector must be greater than length 1")
  # if(!all(hierarchy %in% colnames(df))) stop("hierarchy column names are incorrect")
  if(!(attribute %in% c(names(node), "leafCount"))) stop("attribute column name is incorrect")
  # if(sum(complete.cases(df[hierarchy])) != nrow(df)) stop("NAs in data frame")

  # calculate the right and left margins in pixels
  leftMargin <- nchar(root)
  # rightLabelVector <- as.character(df[[hierarchy[length(hierarchy)]]])
  rightMargin <- 1#max(sapply(rightLabelVector, nchar))

  # create a list that contains the options
  options <- list(
    hierarchy = hierarchy,
    input = inputId,
    attribute = attribute,
    linkLength = linkLength,
    fontSize = fontSize,
    tooltip = tooltip,
    margin = list(
      top = 20,
      bottom = 20,
      left = (leftMargin * fontSize/2) + 25,
      right = (rightMargin * fontSize/2) + 25

  # fill in the node colors, traversing down the tree
  if(length(fill)>1) {
    if(length(fill) != node$totalCount) {
      stop(paste("Expected fill vector of length", node$totalCount, "but got", length(fill)))
    node$Set(fill = fill, traversal = ifelse(fillByLevel, "level", "pre-order"))
  } else {
    options$fill <- fill

  # only necessary to perform these calculations if there is a tooltip
  if(tooltip & !is.null(aggFun)) {
    # traverse down the tree and compute the weights of each node for the tooltip
    t <- data.tree::Traverse(node, "pre-order")
    data.tree::Do(t, function(x) {
      x$WeightOfNode <- data.tree::Aggregate(x, attribute, aggFun)
      # make the tooltips look nice
      x$WeightOfNode <- prettyNum(
        x$WeightOfNode, big.mark = ",", digits = 3, scientific = FALSE
    jsonFields <- c("fill", "WeightOfNode")
  } else if(tooltip & is.null(aggFun)){
    node$Do(function(self) self$WeightOfNode = self[[attribute]])
    jsonFields <- c("fill", "WeightOfNode")
  } else
    jsonFields <- c("fill")

  # keep only the fill attribute in the final JSON
  data <- data.tree::ToListExplicit(node, unname = TRUE, keepOnly = jsonFields)

  # pass the data and options using 'x'
  x <- list(
    data = data,
    options = options

  # create the widget
    "collapsibleTree", x, width = width, height = height,
    htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy(viewer.padding = 0)
collapsibleTree1(node = b,
                 hierarchy = c("country", "city", "state"),
                 attribute = "type1",
                 tooltip = TRUE,
                 aggFun = NULL)
AdeelK93 commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a great idea! Would you be interested in submitting something like this as a PR?

It also looks like you removed the tooltip logic and label padding calculations in your version, was there a reason for that?

steadyfish commented 7 years ago

Yep, will submit a PR for this.

Re: tooltip logic etc,, was just trying to get a working code here. Will make sure to keep it in the final version.

AdeelK93 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the PR! Will submit this to CRAN in the next few days!