Adeeshaj / Carvestor-Scraper

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Scraper - Deployment - Research on deployment technologies #23

Closed Adeeshaj closed 8 months ago

Adeeshaj commented 8 months ago

Deployment - Script - EC2


  1. Local Machine
  2. Virtual Private Server (VPS)
  3. Dedicated Server - not considerd for now
  4. Serverless Platforms - cannot use since limited time limits
  5. Containers (Docker)
  6. Web Hosting Providers
  7. Cloud Services
  8. Heroku
  9. Web Scraping Services
  10. GitHub Actions or CI/CD Services

consider the following factors:

Resources consumption: Time - 1 hour per day RAM - 1 GB CPU - 1 STORAGE - 1 GB

Option Cost(USD) Resource Constraints Monitoring and Logging TOS DataStorage
Local Machine 0 limited bandwidth Can No issue on local
EC2 0.29 Can matched Can No issue on instance
DigitalOcean 6 Can matched Can No issue on instance
LiNode 5 can matched Can No issue on instance
GoogleCloud 3.04 can matched can No issue on instance
Heroku 0.3 can matched can No issue on managed database
Adeeshaj commented 8 months ago

Database - Aiven


  1. managed database
  2. database on a instsance

Resources: 10 GB Storage

Option Cost (USD)
AWS RDS 112.29
Google Cloud SQL 9.37
Microsoft Azure Database 25.82
Heroku Postgres 9
DigitalOcean Managed Databases 15
ScaleGrid 6
aiven 0
cockroach 0

from pricing choose aiven and cockroach

Aspect Aiven for PostgreSQL CockroachDB
Database Type PostgreSQL Distributed SQL
SQL Compatibility Full compatibility Compatibility with
with PostgreSQL SQL PostgreSQL SQL
Data Consistency Strong Consistency Strong Consistency
Use Cases Traditional relational Global scalability,
databases, e-commerce high availability,
platforms, web apps geographic data
Scalability Horizontal scaling Horizontal scaling,
(limited) automatic sharding
Geographic Distribution Single region or zone Built for global
(limited) data distribution
Common Applications E-commerce, content Financial services,
management systems, IoT, e-commerce,
traditional web apps global-scale apps
High Availability Options for Built-in support
replication and for high
failover availability
Deployment Complexity Easier for smaller Requires additional
scale deployments considerations for
distributed systems
Learning Curve Familiar to PostgreSQL Requires learning
users distributed SQL
Recommended Use Cases Small to medium-sized Large-scale global
applications with applications with
traditional database distributed data
requirements needs
Pricing Model Pay-per-usage with Pay-per-usage with
various pricing tiers various pricing

choosing Aiven based on Database type, use cases, and Learning curve

Adeeshaj commented 8 months ago to deploy web app