Adeeshaj / carvestor-analyzer

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Analyzer - Data Exploration #3

Closed Adeeshaj closed 11 months ago

Adeeshaj commented 1 year ago

Explore the dataset to understand its characteristics, such as data types, distributions, and potential outliers. Create summary statistics and visualizations to gain insights into the data.

Adeeshaj commented 1 year ago

columns meta data

2450 entries, 0 to 2456 Data columns (total 18 columns): count Column Non-Null Count Dtype
0 id 2450 non-null int64
1 listing_url 2450 non-null object
2 title 2450 non-null object
3 location 2450 non-null object
4 price 2450 non-null float64
5 price_currency 2450 non-null object
6 listing_date 2450 non-null object
7 description 2450 non-null object
8 Brand: 2450 non-null object
9 Model: 2450 non-null object
10 Mileage: 2450 non-null object
11 Body type: 2238 non-null object
12 Condition: 2450 non-null object
13 Fuel type: 2450 non-null object
14 Transmission: 2450 non-null object
15 Engine capacity: 2450 non-null object
16 Year of Manufacture: 2450 non-null object
17 Trim / Edition: 1970 non-null object

other than Trim /Edition other fields have 100% data. Trim / Edition have 80% data all data good to analyze

Adeeshaj commented 1 year ago

Price Analysis

Since the main target is price analysing. Here we only do on price column

Histogram: To visualize the distribution of a single numerical variable, you can use a histogram. Image

Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) Plot: A KDE plot estimates the probability density function of a continuous variable. Image

Box Plot: To visualize the distribution of a numerical variable or compare distributions between different categories. Image

Violin Plot: Similar to a box plot, but also shows the probability density of the variable at different values. Image

Adeeshaj commented 1 year ago

Removing Outliers

Looking at the boxplot chart and the violin plot charts Here clearly there are potential outliers.

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removing outliers charts are looks more meaningful here

Adeeshaj commented 1 year ago

Analysing categorical fields

Brand count 2450 unique 47 top Toyota freq 673 Name: Brand: , dtype: object

Model count 2450 unique 314 top Alto freq 134 Name: Model: , dtype: object

Mileage count 2450 unique 729 top 100,000 km freq 49 Name: Mileage: , dtype: object

Body type count 2238 unique 7 top Hatchback freq 786 Name: Body type: , dtype: object

Condition count 2450 unique 3 top Used freq 2404

Fuel type count 2450 unique 6 top Petrol freq 1688

Transmission count 2450 unique 3 top Automatic freq 1519 Name: Transmission: , dtype: object

Engine capacity count 2450 unique 184 top 1,500 cc freq 494 Name: Engine capacity: , dtype: object

Year of Manufacture count 2450 unique 59 top 2015 freq 235 Name: Year of Manufacture: , dtype: object

Trim / Edition count 1970 unique 1253 top Toyota freq 38 Name: Trim / Edition: , dtype: object

Adeeshaj commented 1 year ago

Analysing categorical fields - Grouping and Aggregation (mean - price)

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Adeeshaj commented 1 year ago

Analysing categorical fields - Pie Chart

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