Adeeshaj / carvestor-visualizer

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Visualizer - Create Entity classes #20

Closed Adeeshaj closed 4 months ago

Adeeshaj commented 4 months ago

Create Entity Classes:

Define Java classes to represent entities in your application (e.g., User, Product, etc.). Annotate entity classes with JPA annotations if you're using a relational database.

Adeeshaj commented 4 months ago

use caching system to retrieve the data to dropdowns o load unique values of the model field from instances of the Car class into a method, you can follow these steps:

Retrieve instances of the Car class from your data source (e.g., database). Extract the model field value from each instance. Collect unique values into a set or list. Use this set or list in your method. Here's how you can implement it:

Suppose you have a Car class with a field named model:

java Copy code public class Car { private String model;

public Car(String model) {
    this.model = model;

public String getModel() {
    return model;

} Now, you want to load unique values of the model field into a method. Here's how you can do it:

java Copy code import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set;

public class CarService {

public Set<String> getUniqueCarModels(List<Car> cars) {
    Set<String> uniqueModels = new HashSet<>();

    // Iterate over each Car instance and add its 'model' field value to the set
    for (Car car : cars) {

    return uniqueModels;

// Example usage
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Assume you have a list of Car instances
    List<Car> cars = /* Retrieve cars from data source */;

    CarService carService = new CarService();
    Set<String> uniqueCarModels = carService.getUniqueCarModels(cars);

    // Now 'uniqueCarModels' contains unique values of the 'model' field
    System.out.println("Unique car models: " + uniqueCarModels);

} In this example:

The getUniqueCarModels method takes a list of Car instances as input and returns a set of unique model field values. It iterates over each Car instance in the list and adds its model field value to a HashSet. As HashSet does not allow duplicate values, you'll get a set of unique model values. You can now use the getUniqueCarModels method to retrieve unique model values from your Car instances.