AdelRedaa97 / react-native-select-dropdown

react-native-select-dropdown is a highly customized dropdown | select | picker | menu for react native that works for andriod and iOS platforms.
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dropdownStyle's boxShadow does not work #102

Closed tony221004 closed 1 year ago

tony221004 commented 1 year ago

Device: ios simulator(xcode 13.4.1 > iphone 13 mini simulator)


Styles related with boxShadow can't be applied on dropdown container.

Steps to Reproduce

If you type codes below, can check same issue. (it's all!)

const options = [
   {value: 1, label: '01'},
   {value: 2, label: '02'}, 
   {value: 3, label: '03'}, 
   {value: 4, label: '04'},
   {value: 5, label: '05'}

function Select({onChange}) {
    return (
            buttonTextAfterSelection={({label}) => label}
                backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
                overflow: 'visible',
                shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
                shadowOffset: {
                    width: 0,
                    height: 1
                shadowRadius: 5,
                shadowOpacity: 1,
                borderRadius: 8,

Expected Behavior

A dropdown container be applied boxShadow.

(there is no problem about android)

Actual Behavior

nothing happened about dropdown container.(only boxShadow don't work, other styling is work well)

A thing I tried

In the case of buttonStyle, overflow: hidden is applied to dropdownButton, but it works well if I style the boxShadow after applying overflow:visible in duplicate.

With the same principle, even if overflow: hidden was applied to useLayoutDropdown, I thought it would be successful to try boxShadow styling after duplicate application of overflow:visible to dropdownStyle. However, it does not apply.

Why I attempted overflow: visible


tony221004 commented 1 year ago

I found the cause of the problem.

below code is github source code.

const dropdownWindowStyle = useMemo(() => {
    const top =
      remainigHeightAvoidKeyboard < dropdownPY + safeDropdownViewUnderKeyboard
        ? remainigHeightAvoidKeyboard - safeDropdownViewUnderKeyboard
        : dropdownPY;
    return {
        borderTopWidth: 0,
        overflow: 'hidden',
        position: 'absolute',
        top: top,
        height: dropdownHEIGHT,
        width: dropdownWIDTH,
      ...(I18nManager.isRTL ? {right: dropdownStyle?.right || dropdownPX} : {left: dropdownStyle?.left || dropdownPX}),
  }, [dropdownStyle, remainigHeightAvoidKeyboard, dropdownPX, dropdownPY, dropdownHEIGHT, dropdownWIDTH]);

And below code is real source code.

const dropdownWindowStyle = useMemo(() => {
    const top =
      remainigHeightAvoidKeyboard < dropdownPY + safeDropdownViewUnderKeyboard
        ? remainigHeightAvoidKeyboard - safeDropdownViewUnderKeyboard
        : dropdownPY;
    return {
        position: 'absolute',
        top: top,
        height: dropdownHEIGHT,
        width: dropdownWIDTH,
        borderTopWidth: 0,
        overflow: 'hidden',
      ...(I18nManager.isRTL ? {right: dropdownStyle?.right || dropdownPX} : {left: dropdownStyle?.left || dropdownPX}),
  }, [dropdownStyle, remainigHeightAvoidKeyboard, dropdownPX, dropdownPY, dropdownHEIGHT, dropdownWIDTH]);

I can't override style property about overflow, borderTopWidth.

So I couldn't adapt shadowing style.

Can you fix this problem? or if this is not your mistake, please tell me why you architected code like that?

tony221004 commented 1 year ago

This problem was solved after applying 3.1 version.

hemaljoshi commented 3 months ago

This problem can be solved by ading simple style like overflow: "visible"