Open graydirt opened 1 year ago
How to achieve it like this.
So the << onClick will go to the first page, while the>> will go to the last page.
Below is my code and here is my codesandbox here. Feel free to fork it.
<ReactPaginate breakLabel="..." nextLabel="›" onPageChange={handlePageClick} pageRangeDisplayed={3} marginPagesDisplayed={1} pageCount={pageCount} previousLabel="‹" />
KIndly Review and update me if require any changes
How to achieve it like this.
So the
onClick will go to the first page, while the>>
will go to the last page.Below is my code and here is my codesandbox here. Feel free to fork it.
<ReactPaginate breakLabel="..." nextLabel="›" onPageChange={handlePageClick} pageRangeDisplayed={3} marginPagesDisplayed={1} pageCount={pageCount} previousLabel="‹" />