Ademking / BetterViewer

a replacement for the image viewing mode built into Firefox and Chrome-based web browsers.
MIT License
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configurable shorcuts #38

Closed sitorender closed 2 years ago

sitorender commented 2 years ago

I would like to config the shorcut, like single left clik or spacebar to zoom 1:1. (Chrome user, I've double click already set by another extention to download the image)

Is it possible to modify a file to set that?

Thanks for this amazin work!

EDIT: I added in all.js file Mousetrap.bind('space', () => { document.getElementsByClassName('viewer-one-to-one')[0].click(); }); and it works, with spacebar i can zoom 1:1

I tried also onclick = (event) => { document.getElementsByClassName('viewer-one-to-one')[0].click(); }; but then when you pan with LMB it will zoom in and out, so not really working.

I'm satisfied with spacebar solution, anyway it would be useful for other users too to have configurable shorcuts, thanks.