AdeptLanguage / Adept

The Adept Programming Language
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Step-by-step instructions so anyone can compile the source code at home on Windows and Linux. #344

Open Spoiledpay opened 3 months ago

Spoiledpay commented 3 months ago

Hello! Can you tell us which tools should be downloaded for compilation, such as Nodejs, Visual C++ 2022, Python. And how to generate it. Thanks.

IsaacShelton commented 3 months ago

For Windows, it is difficult to build.

You need to install:


Building LLVM... (you can add additional options and/or partially build if you like)

mkdir build
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -G Ninja
cmake --build build

An example of the full build progress exists inside .github/workflows/remoteBuild.yml, which is the code that generates the nightly releases and installers.

For linux, it's a little easier,

You need to install developer versions of llvm, libcurl, libz, and zstd (most likely using your distro's package manager)

Then use CMake to configure and build Adept.

Lastly, put the resulting adept binary from the build directory into the folder where you want it to be.

This process is also documented inside .github/workflows/remoteBuild.yml, although it might be hard to follow since it's not just for linux.

You can then optionally add it to the path and/or symlink it.

Additionally if you want, there is always the option to fork this repo and customize .github/workflows/remoteBuild.yml which may be slightly easier. But this probably doesn't offer as much customization over the build environment as building locally would.

Spoiledpay commented 2 months ago

Hello, IsaacShelton! If I understand, Linux makes it easier to compile the code and generate it for Linux and Windows at the same time. In the case of Linux, can we do it in WSL using Ubuntu?

1 - we install sudo apt install build-essential.

after this,

2 - install llvm, libcurl, libz, and zstd all sources in a specific folder?

3 - Clone 4 - Clone into the directory // Here you say clone within Adept? Rename the cloned folder AdeptImport to import Lastly, copy initial config file from res/necessities/adept.config into the directory

Am I on the right path of understanding or are there a few more steps and which commands should we use to generate Adept.exe?

Can you help?

IsaacShelton commented 2 months ago


Yes, if you are using WSL then it is a lot easier.

What you describe is correct

I just tested the below which works:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x   # (needed to install for cmake)
sudo apt install -y cmake
sudo apt install -y g++ # (need to install g++ if not already present)
sudo apt install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt install -y libzstd-dev
sudo apt install -y libz-dev
sudo apt install -y llvm-17-dev
git clone
cd Adept
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
make adept
# NOTE: CMake will automatically create adept.config and clone
cp -R ../res/necessities/windows/* .
./adept ../tests/e2e/src/hello_world/main.adept -e


Spoiledpay commented 2 months ago

Hello! It worked perfect to generate a Linux bin. With small modifications I managed to install LLVM 17.

I noticed that the procedure generates the Linux executable. What parameter is used to generate Windows bins? And the package generated with complete functioning, how do you do it? Separate everything and zip it up later?

I appreciate your support. And I saw that it is now in a new version in Rust, is there any reason?

IsaacShelton commented 2 months ago

To build for Windows, it is a lot more painful.

You have to use mingw-w64 instead of gcc/g++.

It would be easiest to use something like instead of WSL.

I can't test it on my VM, but it would be something like:

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
pacman -S cmake
pacman -S libcurl-devel
pacman -S libzstd-devel
pacman -S zlib-devel
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-llvm
git clone
cd Adept
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
make adept
# NOTE: CMake will automatically create adept.config and clone
cp -R ../res/necessities/windows/* .
./adept ../tests/e2e/src/hello_world/main.adept -e

For the standalone release, it is just a zipped version of the build (minus generated CMake files).

mkdir -p stage
mv build/adept.exe stage/adept.exe
mv res/necessities/windows/* stage/
mv AdeptWindowsInstaller/adeptX-X.bat stage/${{env.alternativeBinaryName}}.bat
mv AdeptConfig/adept.config stage/adept.config
mv AdeptImport stage/import

For the installer, we use Inno Setup with the installer template:

We use python3 AdeptWindowsInstaller/ to generate a random GUID for the release.

Then we perform substitutions of the values inside the template file. You would have to modify the below depending on where you build and stage the files. Also, each ${{ variable }}} should be replaced.

alternativeBinaryName is adept2-8 longVersion is 2.8.0 shortVersion is 2.8 fullName is Adept 2.8 steps.guid.outputs.guid is your generated GUID

sed -i AdeptWindowsInstaller/Adept-X.X-installer.iss -e 's/__STAGING_AREA__/..\/stage/g' -e 's/__OUTPUT_DIRECTORY__/./g' -e 's/__FAVICON_DIRECTORY__/..\/res/g' -e 's/adeptX-X/${{env.alternativeBinaryName}}/g' -e 's/X.X/${{env.shortVersion}}/g' -e 's/{7D143E16-9268-4F20-A0FA-8B30D8B14ECA}/${{steps.guid.outputs.guid}}/g'

Then we use Inno Setup to build the installer.

With regards to Adept 3.0 (the Rust version), it is in early development won't be ready for a couple of years.

It will be an improvement upon Adept 2.x, and fix many issues with the language.

It will:

However, even after Adept 3.0 is released, Adept 2.x will still be maintained, and may eventually gain support in the new compiler as well.

Spoiledpay commented 2 months ago

Another question: Is the platform you use to create MAC or Linux Arch? When building bins for Windows, I thought there was something like the following to force compilation for windows:

PATH=$(echo "$PATH" | sed -e 's/:\/mnt.*//g') cd depends make HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 // To generate the .exe for windows

1 - Thank you, I will test the issue in WSL and test if it works, your example here is to compile in the Linux environment to generate a native Adept.exe for Windows. After zipping, take it to the Windows environment.

IsaacShelton commented 2 months ago

Yes I primarily use macOS for development.

I'm not very familiar with WSL, but that might work.

One thing that could be weird though, is that the generated exe would be linked against Ubuntu's LLVM libraries.

This means that the default target for the adept.exe would create linux binaries (which is probably not what you want).

I could be wrong though, you'd have to try it.

Currently the automated builds use MinGW-64, MSYS, and manually building LLVM. I've heard from others that building it with MSYS exclusively works well, they should have all the packages so nothing would need to be built from scratch. If WSL doesn't work then MSYS could also be a good option.

Spoiledpay commented 1 month ago

Hello! I imagine this is a lot to ask of you and due to the creation of a new language in version 3.

When you have special time, you can try to create a step-by-step guide for compiling on Windows. Software to be downloaded, similar to what was done for Linux or a way in WSL to cross compile and generate the .exe for Windows. It should help too.

I managed to compile Adept for Linux nbo WSL.

IsaacShelton commented 3 weeks ago

Yes I just added a step-by-step guide

I recently discovered an easier way to build it with MSYS2, so that's what this guide uses.

Here is the excerpt on building on Windows:


MSYS2 Setup:

MSYS2 Mingw64 Command Prompt

There is also information about how to link against LLVM statically if you wish:

IsaacShelton commented 3 weeks ago

Also sorry for taking so long to get back to you, I was away on vacation

Spoiledpay commented 3 weeks ago

Hello! Firstly, I think everyone deserves a vacation. This is part of life. I hope everything went well!

Second, thank you very much for your time in finding another way to compile on Windows. I managed to do it the way it was listed. And Adept.exe was generated. successfully!!

Now the question of the second step that makes the llvm dlls stay together in Adept.exe, this didn't work. Generating a complete package. There must be something more to be accomplished.

In view of this, it was a big step and I am grateful. Sucesso

*Then I share the error in linking llvm dll and Adept

IsaacShelton commented 3 weeks ago

The primary CMakeLists.txt has been recently updated to allow for this easier. has also been updated to clarify how to link against LLVM statically on Windows.

Linking LLVM statically on Windows is actually supposed the default (I remembered when looking through the build file), but somehow it stopped working due to changes in CMake, which has been fixed in the most recent commit.

Since linking statically is now properly the default on Windows, you only need: contains the fully updated process as well.