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Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
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DOH requests hang after a network reconnection #3217

Closed spiralshapeturtle closed 3 years ago

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Expected Behavior

adguard should always keeps processing DNS requests.

Actual Behavior

Since the latest updates, AdGuard stops processing DNS requests. Even in the same vlan (excluding the router) the software stops listing to DNS requests. Logs keep empty, webgui and ping still works (no network issue)


PRTG polling my DNS setup, also pihole is deployed in the same setup an never show an alarm. It seems for now only related tot adguard. image

Additional Information

sudo docker run -d --name adguard --hostname adguard --net=hostnetwork --ip= --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=CAP_NET_RAW --cap-add=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE -e TZ=Europe/Amsterdam -v /home/rodeho/docker/adguard/workdir:/opt/adguardhome/work -v /home/rodeho/docker/adguard/confdir:/opt/adguardhome/ --restart unless-stopped adguard/adguardhome

ainar-g commented 3 years ago

Hi. Is this really the full command that you use to run the container? Because it doesn't have any volumes attached, so any restart probably removes all previous configuration. See the quick start example on our Docker Hub page.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

could be related?

No thats not the full docker command, I removed the volumes due to privacy reasons: -v /home/foobar/docker/adguard/workdir:/opt/adguardhome/work -v /home/foobar/docker/adguard/confdir:/opt/adguardhome/

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

I might thing that when the internet upload is fully congested, the problem occurs faster. Fully utilized like 100% I mean.

ainar-g commented 3 years ago

I see. It will be hard to understand what is going on without the logs. Can you configure AGH to make verbose logs and also configure it to write logs to a permanent location using log_file and either post the log here as an attachment or send it to with the subject line “AdGuard Home Issue 3217”? Thanks.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

sure will do

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

;  IN   A

2021/06/01 22:56:31.435547 1#20385 [debug]*Proxy).udpHandlePacket(): error handling DNS (udp) request: talking to dnsUpstream failed, cause: all upstreams failed to respond, cause: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": context deadline exceeded (hidden: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers), couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers))

This is the issue, it's a dual ISP network pihole and windows DNS does not report this issue. It seems almost impossible there is no internet. Let me show you.

user@MacBook-Pro-van-user ~ % dig @


Switching to the docker container itself, Adguard to be specific.

user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=55 time=10.323 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=55 time=8.896 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=55 time=10.350 ms
user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=52 time=17.865 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=52 time=17.533 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=52 time=17.141 ms

Seems like a software issue regarding https DNS upstreams?

upstream config
ameshkov commented 3 years ago

Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers means that the TCP connection timed out.

Does the issue go away with time or is it necessary to restart the container?

When this happens, could you please record a tcpdump? tcpdump dst -w out.pcap

Also, it'd be interesting to see if you have any issues when you use a plain DNS upstream.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers means that the TCP connection timed out.

Does the issue go away with time or is it necessary to restart the container?

When this happens, could you please record a tcpdump? tcpdump dst -w out.pcap

Also, it'd be interesting to see if you have any issues when you use a plain DNS upstream.

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"tcpdump\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard find / -name tcpdump

Could you guide me where you hide tcpdump in the docker? Any way to run bash from the docker host, i.e. like you have SSH-ed into the docker?

ameshkov commented 3 years ago

@rodeho you don't need to run it inside the container, try running it on your host machine should be just okay.

hplee0120 commented 3 years ago

I installed it on the OpenWrt router and usually ran normally. But every time Wan is reconnected, ADH does not resolve DNS, the device can't open some web pages, and then check the logs to confirm that no device requests DNS have been received in the ADH background. This phenomenon returns to normal work after turning off the ADH and reopening the operation.

hplee0120 commented 3 years ago

What might be about the logs? Looks like it's a connectivity issue for DoH? But you actually need to close the program and restart it to get back to normal.

2021/06/03 05:37:06.267815 [info] Couldn't get version check json from *fmt.wrapError updater: HTTP GET Get "": all upstreams failed to exchange request, cause: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) (hidden: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers))

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

@ameshkov there are 3 tickets complaining about ADH stop processing requests when it detects an internet down situation. All my other DNS servers is run keeps running normal, no issue. Only ADH with DOH is having issue, whit a client I can browse normal during the "internet down alarms" from ADH.

It really has something to do with the TCP implementation of ADH.

ameshkov commented 3 years ago

Okay, I have one idea. Our DOH client has a limit of 1 active connection to the remote host. Maybe, in your case when the network change occurs, the connection is not closed and hangs in some semi-open state. This would block further requests.

Let's try lifting that connections limit and see if it helps.

EugeneOne1 commented 3 years ago

@rodeho, the possible fix is implemented in the latest edge build (since 084564e). Could you please check, if it solves the problem for you?

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

@rodeho, the possible fix is implemented in the latest edge build (since 084564e). Could you please check, if it solves the problem for you?

Cool let me check. Could you guide me how to run this edge build into docker?

EugeneOne1 commented 3 years ago

Running development builds for Docker is described here.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Running development builds for Docker is described here.

And up and running:v0.107.0-a.62+084564e6

hplee0120 commented 3 years ago

After testing, it seems that the problem only exists in DoH. The above problem does not occur with DoT or ordinary port dns. How to use the repaired version, waiting for 107.b2 release?

EugeneOne1 commented 3 years ago

@hplee0120, we've got no information about how you installed your AdGuard Home. Could you please provide this info?

hplee0120 commented 3 years ago

@hplee0120, we've got no information about how you installed your AdGuard Home. Could you please provide this info?

I added ADH luci when compiling OpenWrt. Use binary files at

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers means that the TCP connection timed out.

Does the issue go away with time or is it necessary to restart the container?

When this happens, could you please record a tcpdump? tcpdump dst -w out.pcap

Also, it'd be interesting to see if you have any issues when you use a plain DNS upstream.

I don't think its fully solved yet. Its very fragile, when the TCP connection drops is running into issues. Could the auto recovery of the TCP session be optimized?
spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

Did some further testing, when the internet line is OK everything seems to be working well. When I change a FW rule, assume it will hit the current TCP table of the router (OPNsense) the issue kicks in.

The session or the re-connect implementation seems not be able to reconnect in a proper way, and the outage remains for minutes <10. After a minute or what, it resolves by itself.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Did some testing with 106.3 the stable one, with normal DNS resolving to unbound within the same network. It also drops when there was a minimal glitch in the internet connectivity.

The interesting part is that I monitor 4 DNS servers: Adguard edge Adguard stable Windows Pihole

And only the AdGuard servers does have issues, all the other DNS servers are not metioned once in the the past week. Always working fine, it has to be something in the AGH IP stack...

ainar-g commented 3 years ago

@rodeho, thank you for the information! We're still investigating the issues. Just as a side note, what is the value of dns.max_goroutines in your configuration file? Does the situation improve if you set it to 0?

The error you see on the stable version are caused by the fact that edge migrates its configuration version, and the stable releases don't know about the new versions. In your case, you should be able to simply replace schema_version: 11 with schema_version: 10 in your configuration file when you switch to the release version.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

@rodeho, thank you for the information! We're still investigating the issues. Just as a side note, what is the value of dns.max_goroutines in your configuration file? Does the situation improve if you set it to 0?

The error you see on the stable version are caused by the fact that edge migrates its configuration version, and the stable releases don't know about the new versions. In your case, you should be able to simply replace schema_version: 11 with schema_version: 10 in your configuration file when you switch to the release version.

Hi, the dns.max_goroutines is not configured on the stable one, lets configure it on the edge, running a load of servers in the homelab. So there should be a higher load of DNS than regulair.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Another log from the stable one, before stop serving clients.

07-06 14:15+/- crash

2021/06/07 14:12:41.547581 1#4919 [debug]*Proxy).udpHandlePacket(): Start handling new UDP packet from
2021/06/07 14:12:41.547677 1#4919 [debug]*Proxy).logDNSMessage(): IN: ;; opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 2
;; flags: rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0


2021/06/07 14:12:41.547753 1#4919 [debug] IPv6 is disabled. Reply with NoError to AAAA request
2021/06/07 14:12:41.547811 1#4919 [debug]*Proxy).logDNSMessage(): OUT: ;; opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 2
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0


;; AUTHORITY SECTION:  10  IN  SOA 100500 1800 60 604800 86400

2021/06/07 14:12:41.884732 1#4920 [debug]*Proxy).udpHandlePacket(): Start handling new UDP packet from
2021/06/07 14:12:41.884806 1#4920 [debug]*Proxy).logDNSMessage(): IN: ;; opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 204
;; flags: rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;    IN   A

2021/06/07 14:12:41.884881 1#4920 [debug] using settings for client HUE with ip and id ""
2021/06/07 14:12:41.884937 1#4920 [debug] etchostscontainer: answer: -> []
2021/06/07 14:12:41.885048 1#4920 [debug] SafeBrowsing: checking
2021/06/07 14:12:41.885110 1#4920 [debug] sending request TXT
2021/06/07 14:16:55.276691 1#11 [debug] free os memory
spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago
ainar-g commented 3 years ago

What exactly do you mean when you say that “dns.max_goroutines is not configured”? Did you set it to 0?

Also, the context cancelled error still means that AGH can't reach the remote DNS server. What happens when you run:

curl -v ''

From the machine with AGH?

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

What exactly do you mean when you say that “dns.max_goroutines is not configured”? Did you set it to 0?

Also, the context cancelled error still means that AGH can't reach the remote DNS server. What happens when you run:

curl -v ''

From the machine with AGH?

I'm testing two machine's

106.3 call it stable 107.edge call it edge

The dns.max_goroutines change to 0 on the edge server does improve the situation, first impression the issue is less noticeable. What does this command do? What I mention tot say: the dns.max_goroutines is not available on the stable server?

Curl is not available from within the docker I used wget to perform a baseline on the stable server. Its from a normal situation, to perform baseline testing and compare the outcome later from the faulty situation.

user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard wget
Connecting to (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard wget
Connecting to (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard wget
Connecting to (
Connecting to (
wget: can't open 'index.html': File exists
user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard wget
Connecting to (
wget: can't open 'index.html': File exists
user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard wget
Connecting to (
wget: can't open 'index.html': File exists
user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=55 time=17.046 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=55 time=16.167 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=55 time=15.775 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 15.775/16.329/17.046 ms
user@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard wget
Connecting to (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

The edge server v0.107.0-a.65+4700dea9 just went down, all other DNS servers, pihole, windows, unbound keeps functional during this issue.

root@dockerstable:~# sudo docker exec -it adguard2 wget
Connecting to (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
root@dockerstable:~# sudo docker exec -it adguard2 wget
Connecting to (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
root@dockerstable:~# sudo docker exec -it adguard2 wget
Connecting to (
Connecting to (
wget: can't open 'index.html': File exists

;  IN   A

2021/06/08 09:11:01.138654 1#44969 [debug]*Proxy).udpHandlePacket(): error handling DNS (udp) request: talking to dnsUpstream failed, cause: all upstreams failed to respond, cause: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": context deadline exceeded (hidden: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers), couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": context deadline exceeded)
2021/06/08 09:11:01.138681 1#44970 [debug]*Proxy).udpHandlePacket(): error handling DNS (udp) request: talking to dnsUpstream failed, cause: all upstreams failed to respond, cause: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) (hidden: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers), couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": context deadline exceeded)
2021/06/08 09:11:01.804985 1#45000 [debug] response: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
2021/06/08 09:11:01.805072 1#44997 [debug] response: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
2021/06/08 09:11:01.805120 1#44999 [debug] response: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": context deadline exceeded
2021/06/08 09:11:01.804998 1#44995 [debug] response: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
2021/06/08 09:11:01.805080 1#44996 [debug] response: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": context deadline exceeded
2021/06/08 09:11:01.805136 1#45001 [debug] response: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": context deadline exceeded
2021/06/08 09:11:01.805197 1#44994 [debug]*Proxy).Resolve(): RTT: 10001 ms
2021/06/08 09:11:01.805224 1#44993 [debug]*Proxy).Resolve(): RTT: 10001 ms
2021/06/08 09:11:01.805240 1#44994 [debug]*Proxy).logDNSMessage(): OUT: ;; opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 35039
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;  IN   A

2021/06/08 09:11:01.805258 1#44993 [debug]*Proxy).logDNSMessage(): OUT: ;; opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 34400
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

``` ```
ameshkov commented 3 years ago

all the other DNS servers are not metioned once in the logs

Are you using encrypted upstreams on these servers or are they using plain DNS upstreams?

I don't think its fully solved yet. Its very fragile, when the TCP connection drops is running into issues. Could the auto recovery of the TCP session be optimized?

Did you save that tcpdump? I'd like to take a look at it. Regarding TCP session recovery, no, it cannot be optimized or changed in any way.

To be honest, I doubt we're dealing with an AGH bug here.

There're three options:

  1. This is either an issue with the OPNsense's TCP stack
  2. Golang TCP issue (not likely).
  3. This is a Quad9 issue since they have rather aggressive rate limits. I find this one the most feasible explanation, but we're yet to see.

In order to eliminate all these issues one by one:

  1. Replace Quad9 upstreams. Try using any other upstream: Google, Cloudflare, or AdGuard Non-Filtering.
  2. If the issue continues to happen, please record the tcpdump, I'd like to see what's going on there. Ideally, I'll need AdGuard Home logs alongside this tcpdump (or at least the part of the log for the time period when the issue happened).
spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Hi @ameshkov

To be honest, I doubt we're dealing with an AGH bug here.

There're three options:

  1. This is either an issue with the OPNsense's TCP stack
  2. Golang TCP issue (not likely).
  3. This is a Quad9 issue since they have rather aggressive rate limits. I find this one the most feasible explanation, but we're yet to see.

I greatly appreciate your cooperation. It's a complex setup. I have 5 DNS servers running at home, in my home lab. Of these 5 servers, 2 are adguard, 1 pihole, 1 router and 1x windows DNS. I monitor this entire environment with PRTG, I get alerts if one of these DNS servers no longer responds to requests.

Of these 5 DNS servers, only 2 give alarms; the two AGH servers. That makes it extra remarkable to me? AGH and Phiole both run IntelNUC -> ESXi hypervisor -> Ubuntu VM -> Docker container Pihole/AdGuard.

Everything is identical in terms of underlying network, all dockers are connected with macvlan in Docker. Using an own real IP of the host's network.

1 that could be, I can force the replication of the issue with sending bulk traffic in my upload ISP. It still confuses me why 3 out of 5 (internal) dns servers remains functional, and only AGH stops serving clients?

2 Based on the netwerk setup above I won't exclude the IP stack of Golang. Had the same issue with Adguard 106.3 with UDP resolving to the internal router unbound UDP_53. Also ended up in AGH stop processing DNS request.

3point taken please note that also the OPENdns was also in the list of my DoH config. That poin'ts me to #2 IPstack issues of Golang.

In order to eliminate all these issues one by one:

  1. Replace Quad9 upstreams. Try using any other upstream: Google, Cloudflare, or AdGuard Non-Filtering.
  2. If the issue continues to happen, please record the tcpdump, I'd like to see what's going on there. Ideally, I'll need AdGuard Home logs alongside this tcpdump (or at least the part of the log for the time period when the issue happened).

Will try to increase the monitoring, it pols every 30seconds. And after 3 fails I receive a push alert, try to reduce that to have more time to start collecting logs.

ameshkov commented 3 years ago

It still confuses me why 3 out of 5 (internal) dns servers remains functional

If you were using the same upstreams with the same protocol on all 5 that would be confusing indeed, but that's not the case.

Had the same issue with Adguard 106.3 with UDP resolving to the internal router unbound UDP_53. Also ended up in AGH stop processing DNS request.

Note that if you have "browsing security" enabled, AGH internally uses AdGuard DNS DOH upstream. If you want to do a clean test with UDP, it'd be better to disable both parental control and browsing security.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

If you were using the same upstreams with the same protocol on all 5 that would be confusing indeed, but that's not the case.

OK point taken all DNS servers are now pointing to unbound (the router).

Note that if you have "browsing security" enabled, AGH internally uses AdGuard DNS DOH upstream. If you want to do a clean test with UDP, it'd be better to disable both parental control and browsing security.

Yeah saw that in the logs, lets first monitor all servers with the same uplink and only uplink as unbound. If the issue still persists the next step is to disable the parental/browsingsecurity features, so no DOH is being used.

hplee0120 commented 3 years ago

My test results show that this condition exists on the DoH upstream server and there is no problem with DoT or normal port DNS.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Okey time for an update. You might know that docker supports macvlan, a solution to provide a docker container a real IP. Super easy for DNS servers;-) to allow this nested-mac design you need to enable promiscuous mode on ESXi. Then all packets seems to be replicated within the same port group (virtual switch port) when you sniff on the host. In that same switch port also the NFS and iSCSI bulk sessions are hosted, so a lot of traffic is flowing by the Golang nic.

My first thoughts are still the same. The IP stack of Golang is not as stable as the one from other DNS servers like PiHole. I moved the docker vlan to a new vlan, which makes the network cleaner. Lets monitor again.

ameshkov commented 3 years ago

@hplee0120 have you tried the edge channel build?

@rodeho Neither golang nor dnsmasq (pi-hole) use their own TCP/IP stack. They all rely on OS sockets. The difference that I see here is that in one case you're using plain DNS over UDP -- no connection state, simple to handle any networking issues just by re-sending the same query again. At the same time, you're comparing it to DNS over HTTPS which is quite different and more vulnerable to any network-related issues.

I still think that we should first make sure that there're no issues when you use plain DNS over UDP upstream in AGH. When it's confirmed, the next thing to check would be a DOT or DNS-over-TCP upstream just to see if there's any difference.

Note that in both cases you need to disable "browsing security" and "parental control" in AGH since they rely on using DOH internally.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago


What I did was the following, I moved the docker guest (ubuntu) to the docker lan, which keeps the network more silent. Normal network behavior should listen only to their own MAC or a broadcast message, right? The monitoring tool alerts me that the server went (both) down again at the same time. They were still running with the original configuration, because i wanted to capture a full outage with logs and wireshark. I have a set, how could I share these with you in a privacy safe way?

adguard1 recovered (stable build) adguard 2 stil in crashed situation (edge build)

I fired some manual cli commands let me show you some logs:

2021/06/14 16:13:01.006225 1#48751 [debug] using settings for client PRTG with ip and id ""
2021/06/14 16:13:01.006303 1#48751 [debug] etchostscontainer: answer: <cut> -> []
2021/06/14 16:13:01.006394 1#48751 [debug] SafeBrowsing: checking cut:
2021/06/14 16:13:01.006463 1#48751 [debug] sending request TXT
2021/06/14 16:13:01.006645 1#48785 [debug]*bootstrapper).createDialContext.func1(): Dialing to
2021/06/14 16:13:01.026505 1#48785 [debug]*bootstrapper).createDialContext.func1(): dialer has successfully initialized connection to in 19 milliseconds
2021/06/14 16:13:01.027677 1#48751 [debug] response: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": EOF
2021/06/14 16:13:01.027733 1#48751 [debug]*DNSFilter).checkSafeBrowsing(): SafeBrowsing lookup for cut; Elapsed time: 21ms
2021/06/14 16:13:01.027824 1#48751 [debug]*Proxy).udpHandlePacket(): error handling DNS (udp) request: talking to dnsUpstream failed, cause: filtering failed to check host "cut": safe browsing: couldn't do a GET request to '', cause: Get "": EOF
root@dockerstable:~# docker exec -it adguard2 wget
Connecting to (
ssl_client: handshake failed: No error information
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer


The recovered one image

You are completely right about the next test with all the DOH options disabled. The one thing I'm questioning myself: what is the benefits of testing further? This seems to be an adguard code issue, the OS is unable to call the DOH servers, but on CLI I'm able to?

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

Next test implemented, all options off. Remain to use DoH upstream providers:

ameshkov commented 3 years ago

They were still running with the original configuration, because i wanted to capture a full outage with logs and wireshark. I have a set, how could I share these with you in a privacy safe way?

You could send them directly to me to

This seems to be an adguard code issue, the OS is unable to call the DOH servers, but on CLI I'm able to?

@rodeho I see you're getting wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer on dockerstable, so there was still a networking issue.

The one thing I'm questioning myself: what is the benefits of testing further? This seems to be an adguard code issue

The benefit is that we'll be able to narrow this down. I don't see what's causing this issue, all of my guesses from above are still possible.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

This seems to be an adguard code issue, the OS is unable to call the DOH servers, but on CLI I'm able to?

@rodeho I see you're getting wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer on dockerstable, so there was still a networking issue.

No no netwerk issue, connection reset by peer is the other side. There is a connection but SSL seems to be failing, could that lead to the root cause? Will show you some other dockers in the same network segment and their output.

root@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it pihole  wget
--2021-06-16 21:23:00--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
GnuTLS: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
Unable to establish SSL connection.

root@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard  wget
Connecting to (
ssl_client: handshake failed: No error information
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer

root@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it adguard2  wget
Connecting to (
ssl_client: handshake failed: No error information
wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer

root@dockerstable:~$ sudo docker exec -it smokeping  wget
Connecting to (
Connecting to (
saving to 'index.html'
index.html           100% |*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************|  423k  0:00:00 ETA
'index.html' saved
ameshkov commented 3 years ago

Renaming the issue and merging #3270 here.

I tend to think the problem is specific to DOH and may be caused by a bug in golang http2 implementation. The problem is that we still cannot reproduce this.

We probably can add some workaround (re-create the HTTP client on every timeout error for instance), but I'd like to figure out what's really causing this first.

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

@ameshkov thanks, is there anyway we can validate if its specific to the DOH servers of adguard cloud, or specific to DOH upstream servers?

When trying to simulate in your lab, try to add some packet loss. Seems to be more frequent when the upload is heavy loaded.

ameshkov commented 3 years ago

@rodeho IMO, it does not seem to be specific to particular DOH servers, rather to golang's http client in general (which we use internally). If we're not able to reproduce it internally, we'll push another build to the edge build that should in theory solve this by re-creating the http client on timeout errors.

fizsef commented 3 years ago

I have observed this problem twice, but when I specifically wanted to reproduce it in order to post the log here, this time there were no problems and everything worked fine. Although the settings were the same. I use a DoH server

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

@rodeho IMO, it does not seem to be specific to particular DOH servers, rather to golang's http client in general (which we use internally). If we're not able to reproduce it internally, we'll push another build to the edge build that should in theory solve this by re-creating the http client on timeout errors.

Just to inform you, I moved to a local Unbound forwarder. Therefore 95% of my network using port 53 with UDP. Only some clients 5% where specifically configure with extra checking for parental control, and they failed an hour ago. Analyzed the logs only the logs DOH checks failed, which also means that the rest of the IP stack remains functional for at least UDP packets.

request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

ainar-g commented 3 years ago

@rodeho, @hplee0120, @fizsef, we've pushed some fixes that may improve the situation to the edge channel in revision 90a85362. Could any of you check if the situation is better now? Thanks!

hplee0120 commented 3 years ago

@rodeho, @hplee0120, @fizsef, we've pushed some fixes that may improve the situation to the edge channel in revision 90a8536. Could any of you check if the situation is better now? Thanks!

From my personal use, after downloading the latest version of edge, the problem seems to have been solved.!

spiralshapeturtle commented 3 years ago

@rodeho, @hplee0120, @fizsef, we've pushed some fixes that may improve the situation to the edge channel in revision 90a8536. Could any of you check if the situation is better now? Thanks!

I upgraded to this edge build within my test setup, my primary DNS moved to PiHole during this debugging period AGH was causing to much outages.

fizsef commented 3 years ago

and how to install, where to download, this corrected version?