AdguardTeam / AdGuardSDNSFilter

AdGuard DNS filter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Blocking blocks legitimate websites (CNAME used by a vietnamese hosting company) #1098

Closed Hexalyse closed 1 year ago

Hexalyse commented 1 year ago


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AdGuard Home


AdGuard Home v0.107.13

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AdGuard DNS filter (

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When trying to navigate to, which is supposed to be a legitimate website hosted by, the DNS request is blocked by AdGuard.

I've ran a dig on the domain, and here is the result: 34  IN  CNAME   34  IN  CNAME 34 IN A 34 IN A

I've checked the DNS filter list I use, which is the default one, and indeed, is in the list.

I guess it's because this hoster hosts a lot of shady websites, but it seems to be the CNAME used by all websites hosted by ladipage (cf., so I think blocking it might be a bit too radical, since it could block a lot of legitimate websites too.


Alex-302 commented 1 year ago

Is blocked only?

@bigdargon Hi. Could you please take a look?

Hexalyse commented 1 year ago

Is blocked only?

I'm not sure I understand your question, but blocking would block every single website hosted using their service and having a CNAME record in their DNS zone pointing to - which is the recommended way to do it in their documentation. I can only suppose that there are dozens, hundreds, or more websites (I hope most of which aren't shady websites, I don't know anything about this hoster) using this setup, that this filter list would thus block.

Alex-302 commented 1 year ago

I need more examples or affected sites. Also want to know why that domain was blocked in

ameshkov commented 1 year ago

We can ask @bigdargon :)

Hexalyse commented 1 year ago

I need more examples or affected sites.

Well, I ran a dig on It points on which in turns resolves to those two IPs: and

When using virus total to know some domains that point to those IPs, here is what we find: and

I tried some of those domains, and indeed, they just have a CNAME pointing to So, here you have a lot more examples of websites that would be blocked by this rule. I didn't check if they seem like legitimate or dangerous websites, tho. I just confirmed that a lot of domains use this hoster and this CNAME record.

Alex-302 commented 1 year ago

We can ask @bigdargon :)

Asked in previous message.

@Hexalyse Are they related to dangerous sites?

Details ![image](
Hexalyse commented 1 year ago

No idea... I'm not Vietnamese, not do I speak or read Vietnamese. I opened some of those domains randomly. Some of them seem to be completely legit websites, but indeed I see quite a lot of detected files (although, to be fair, when you search for an IP of a mutualized web-hosting server from any hoster anywhere in the world, you end up with flagged files, just because I guess some of them end up being hacked and serve as some kind of repositories to serve malware). Just for fun, here is the report I get with the IP that I got when resolving :

Maybe this hoster is known for having a lot of malicious or misleading websites hosted on it, so someone chose to flag the entire hoster DNS domain? I can only guess. @bigdargon might know more indeed.

The only thing I know is that the domain I provided first is supposed to be a legitimate website of a company trying to improve the medical system in Vietnam. I can only suppose there are lots of other legitimate websites hosted on their servers. After all, their website looks like any other hosting company.

This won't be a problem for me because I don't usually visit Vietnamese websites. But I just thought blocking an entire hosting company seemed to be a bit "aggressive" and overkill, and could risk rendering lots of legit websites unreachable..

bigdargon commented 1 year ago

Hi @Hexalyse

Thanks @Alex-302 @ameshkov


Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 22-12-22 #1 Nền Tảng Landing Page Cho Các Hoạt Động Marketing

First, I need to clarify that Ladipage is a landing page service. Responsible for providing advertising, marketing and communication services. The domain names will point to CNAME, then run ads on social networks (like facebook..) to sell online. can be understood as a domain name to click ads in search results like

Ladipage provides the service of creating advertising pages based on available libraries, free hosting, even users who do not know about web design. Because it's easy and free, many people have taken advantage of the service as a website to scam.

For example, the active loan scam website (archived here)

In addition, Ladipage also inserts a tracking domain into the landing page to track users when accessing with the domain name (Example here)

Finally, if domain blocking affects Adguard's user experience and Adguard's DNS filter. I will move the domain name to the file adserver-all.txt to not update to the DNS filter. Yes, I just moved it, not removed it!

The above is my opinion, if you have any problems please ask me. Thank you!

Hexalyse commented 1 year ago

Thank you @bigdargon for the detailed analysis. Yeah, from what you say, Ladipage seems to be including tracking by-default on all their "landing pages" (ie. client websites), and be used by a lot of scammers, as well as for advertising.

If so, I guess it's justifiable to indeed block all domains using Ladipage, even if it risks blocking some websites. Or maybe, if the tracking script comes from, we could block this domain instead of ? Would it work to avoid the main problem here: tracking? It would leave another problem on the table: scammer websites. Do we have any idea on the ratio of scam/advertising websites vs "acceptable" websites hosted by Ladipage ?

bigdargon commented 1 year ago

@Hexalyse It's hard to calculate the ratio of scam/advertising websites vs "acceptable" websites. However, you can refer to the report from virustotal that you linked above.

Before, without blocking it, I saw ads (using Ladipage service) on my facebook. I'm not interested, so I'm just going to see them as company ads and it's "acceptable".

But, my mother also saw the advertisement for sale, she was interested and ordered it. Do you know? It's horrible that the item received is absolutely terrible. When she contacted that sales page again, you know what the next horrible thing was? They blocked my mom's facebook and I used my facebook to contact them but they continued to block me. From there, I started blocking CNAMEs to help keep people away from similar scam sellers.

I understand, many companies still want to advertise their good products to reach more people but want to save costs, so they have come to a service like Ladipage. But to be honest, in Vietnam, online scams are pretty common.

Anyway, I would move the CNAME to the file adserver-all.txt and just leave the domain name so as not to affect the user experience. Maybe, there are still companies that really need Ladipage.

Alex-302 commented 1 year ago
