AdguardTeam / AdGuardVPNForWindows

AdGuard VPN Windows app open bug tracker
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Incorrect order of locations #630

Open KolbasovAnton opened 4 months ago

KolbasovAnton commented 4 months ago

Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.

AdGuard VPN version

2.3.0 nightly 11 (1291)

Operating mode



- OS: Windows 11 ver. 10.0.22631 build 22631

Issue Details

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install and run latest (2.3.0 nightly 11) version of AdGuard VPN for Windows.
  2. Check the location's list.

Expected Behavior

The locations are arranged alphabetically.

Actual Behavior

The locations are arranged by ping's ascending order.


Screenshot 1: ![image](

Additional Information

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