AdguardTeam / AdguardBrowserExtension

AdGuard browser extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hotkey interception in the filtering does not allow to use browser's search on the page #2155

Open Alex-302 opened 1 year ago

Alex-302 commented 1 year ago

Issue Details

Actual Behavior

Cannot use Ctrl-F to search a text on the filtering log page. We use it to search a specific text in the lines, that displayed by the search, and on details panel.

Expected Behavior

If possible, open browser's search by double Ctrl-F(or suggest another solution).

maximtop commented 1 year ago

We can turn off this shortcut for the filtering log if users prefer to use native search.

contribucious commented 1 year ago

:bulb: Alternative idea

Just pop up a small black or white (theme awareness) semi-transparent notification (custom toast notification … or native one if supported/enabled by the user) at bottom right for a few seconds after the user presses Ctrl+F to inform him like so: "Use F3 instead for native search."

Possibly display this notification only once per "session" (versus at each Ctrl+F).    

F3 is OK at least on Firefox and Edge browsers on Windows 10.
However, should work for any Chromium/Firefox based browsers. Just make sure of that in many various situations though.
Alex-302 commented 1 year ago

"Use F3 instead for native search."

It is obvious:) I just forgot about that.

We can turn off this shortcut for the filtering log


contribucious commented 1 year ago


We can turn off this shortcut for the filtering log


Personally, I find it convenient.


As an alternative, there are at least:

View possible alternatives (in no preferred order) … :eyes:   - :zero: Alex's initial solution (i.e. "If possible, open browser's search by double Ctrl-F") — whether this means `Ctrl+F` `Ctrl+F` or `Ctrl+F+F`; - :one: My main solution**¹** (i.e. `Ctrl+F` works as currently but when pressed, the user is made aware _immediately_ of the ~~`F3`~~ [`Ctrl+G/Command-G`]( alternative access to the native search via a toast notification — appearing only once maximum per "session", whether this means closing the `Filtering log` window or the entire browser required to show it again); - :two: The use of `Ctrl+Shift+F`**²** instead to trigger the AdGuard search, leaving `Ctrl+F` untouched; - :three: **_Similar to_ `AdGuard for Windows`³** _('smart/dynamic' solution)_: intercept `Ctrl+F` (for main search field focusing) _only_ if panel 'Request details' > `Preview` section is not open (to let browser's native search possible for code search in the `Preview` part like so, if open); - :four: **_As_ `AdGuard for Windows`³** _(advantage: same overall user experience therefore)_: intercept `Ctrl+F` (for main search field focusing) _only_ if panel 'Request details' > `Preview` section is not open, **else focus on a new search field⁴ to be added under the code part of this `Preview` section** — see [screenshot]( for the idea; - :five: _… or just let the user choose (additional setting though): whether via "interception ON/OFF" (toggle) or varied free choice (drop-down list)._   ___ ##### Footnotes ###### ¹ See one of my posts below — the most edited one — for the problematic behavior of `F3` (and `Ctrl+G`/`Command-G` too) under Firefox though. :slightly_frowning_face: ###### ² User informed of this useful `Ctrl+Shift+F` keyboard shortcut via a tooltip when hovering over the "magnifying glass" icon. :mag: ###### ³ "Similar to" _(alternative 3)_ or "As" _(alternative 4)_, though, small detail, currently on `AG for Windows`, an _extra click in the code itself_ is required beforehand for code search via `Ctrl+F` (in this program that means to focus the bottom dedicated search field). So, just opening the adequate section (by clicking on the `Preview` tab there, equivalent to the `Preview` button in the extension) is not sufficient for that. Should not be the case IMHO but that's another minor problem which can be easily corrected later for inter-product consistency in this case. :thumbsup: ###### ⁴ Ideally, if a new search field for code search is implemented, unlike current _(and not ideal IMHO, except for possible performance reasons)_ `AG for Windows` behavior, it should be like the browser's native search here therefore: meaning … each character typed = search highlights updated. `Enter` key never needed, except to go to the next found result. :keyboard:


To vote (multiple voting possible):

:smile: for :zero: — :tada: for :one: :confused: for :two: — :heart: for :three: :rocket: for :four: — :eyes: for :five: :thumbsdown: for … suppression of this Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut — in the Filtering log window — without any replacement.

Note: To facilitate the vote click, counter already initialized by default to one for each.

contribucious commented 1 year ago

:thoughtballoon: Regarding my main solution (technical aspects)_ …

Click to read … #### Example found:      _**React Toast notification with react-hot-toast**_      :one: `` in **JS (Babel)** part is actually ideal. As … this is the position where the user expects to find his search field on Chromium-based browsers, except he will find an informative notification at this location instead, basically telling him during a few seconds to use `F3` instead if native search desired — without preventing the current AdGuard search action so. _Also, this position does not hide the log lines. But "bottom-right" remains a possibility as well._      :two: _Possibly_ use the `Emoji Icon` version, but with a beautiful round informative icon instead (like that but in better: :information_source:).      :three: _Possibly_ use a simple fade-in / fade-out effect instead.   To be displayed within the `Filtering log` window only when the user presses `Ctrl+F`. But ideally, should not be displayed again until the next closing/opening of this window — or even, until the next closing/opening of the browser.
contribucious commented 1 year ago

:x: UPD: My main solution, while "OK" on Edge (and probably on any Chromium-based browsers), is problematic on Firefox (regarding its F3 behavior).

Click to read the reason …   **Reason:** Because globally, if the user uses the native search (i.e. searches for a certain keyword for instance), closes the native search and tries to press `F3` again later, this will trigger the search for the next occurrence (so the behavior of this key is not totally identical to `Ctrl+F` first) BUT … where Edge will redisplay the search field, Firefox will only highlight the next occurrence(s) _without_ displaying the search field again while doing so (meaning … search field no longer displayable therefore …).   ___
Click for an additional remark (upd: now fixed in v4.1.1 :tada:) ###### :warning: In any case, if we leave access to a native search via `Ctrl+F` (proper way like so), we will have to correct a more general problem currently visible with `F3`: Both ~Edge~¹ and ~Firefox~² have their search highlights removed after 1-2 sec. (probably related to a non-stop auto-refresh of logs by the extension, _possibly_ easily fixable but …). ###### ¹ Not reproducible anymore, probably/visibly due to the update to AdGuard Browser extension `v4.1.1`. :tada:
² Waiting for the availability of `v4.1.1` in the store to confirm if fixed or not.
   **EDIT:** Tested with the `.zip` and confirmed that it's fixed in this version in Firefox too! :tada: :tada:

   :arrow_right_hook: Most likely [the fix]( was _related_ to this: `[Fixed] The cursor is flashing when hovering over a row in the Filtering log table`
contribucious commented 1 year ago

@Alex-302 By the way …

Click to reveal …   Not important at all, but it should be noted that in the `Expected Behavior` part of your issue, your sentence If possible, open browser's search by double Ctrl-F(or suggest another solution). can be interpreted in two ways: - _or suggest another solution_ … to the user if he presses `Ctrl+F` twice, like to use `F3` instead (in which case, my main suggestion is very similar to yours, except pressing `Ctrl+F` one time suffices for me to inform the user + I specify the method, i.e. via a toast notification — appearing only once maximum per "session"); - _or suggest another solution_ … directed to the people / devs who read your issue — in the sense of "if you have any idea …" / "if you have a better idea …". :arrow_right: I must say that I understood the second possibility. :relaxed:
Alex-302 commented 1 year ago


  • or suggest another solution … directed to the people / devs who read your issue


contribucious commented 1 year ago

:point_up_2: Update

I updated the list of possible alternatives.
Long, I grant you, but I hope much clearer for the team of developers as well. :thumbsup:
Think of it more as a blog post actually. :wink:

The public vote is now open! (Edit: For real now, voting system in place. :smile:) (@Alex-302 Any preference? :relaxed:)

maximtop commented 1 year ago

Seems like F3 isn't working on macos. cmd + f + f - not sure if extension can retransmite cmd-f shortcut to the native system 3, 4 - does the issue happens only when preview window is open?

I prefer cmd/ctrl + shift + f for focusing search field. This option looks valid for me.

Alex-302 commented 1 year ago

ctrl + shift + f

This hotkey is inconvenient to press with one hand.

contribucious commented 1 year ago

Seems like F3 isn't working on macos.

So, one less option. I kinda suspected that when I saw this later — the isWindowsOs part — (taken from this commit).

:arrow_right: A variant could however be the opposite: Leave Ctrl+F natively and intercept F3 for AdGuard search (if this is not problematic on macOS either). But people may want a "next result" hotkey, therefore not an ideal choice. Another free F[1-12] key perhaps? (Often used by various apps globally on the system though. Not ideal either, consequently.)  

I prefer cmd/ctrl + shift + f for focusing search field. This option looks valid for me.

I like this option too. One that came to me among the quickest by the way and quite naturally.

:bulb: Cmd+Shift+F (for macOS users) seems less easy than Ctrl+Shift+F though. Maybe Ctrl+Shift+F for all? (A bit less natural / macOS-style for them though.) :eyes: Note that, in all cases, some users (both PC and MAC) have the FN key below SHIFT, instead of CTRL. Not my case but indeed, less practical then.    

(Not directly related to the subject itself.)

3, 4 - does the issue happens only when preview window is open?

Not sure I fully understand but here is the problem in a nutshell (Steps to reproduce).

Reveal … 1. Open `Filtering Log` of `AG for Windows`; 1. Visit; 2. Click on the corresponding HTML entry in it; 3. Click on the `General` tab (default one though) and press `Ctrl+F` → MAIN search field is focused as expected. :heavy_check_mark: 4. Click on the `Network` tab and press `Ctrl+F` → MAIN search field is focused as expected. :heavy_check_mark: 5. Click on the `Preview` tab and press `Ctrl+F` → MAIN search field is focused. CODE search field should be instead in my opinion. Like [this](, to reuse one of my screenshots. _Without having to click in the code area (a.k.a. in the code itself) first._ However, I understand the current logic (i.e. if behavior changed to my idea, how to easily access {hotkey} the main search field again _if_ you stay in this tab from then on?) :arrow_right: Anyway, if alternative :four: is implemented (i.e. a new code search field is added in the extension too), then ideally it should be standardized on both (app(s) and extension). Meaning … either clicking in the code area (a.k.a. in the code itself) required beforehand to search some code via `Ctrl+F` for all "products" or for none. :arrow_right: And if alternative :three: is implemented (i.e. browser's native search allowed only in one place: the `Preview` section), since the browser's native search starts its search directly without worrying about having clicked in the code area (a.k.a. in the code itself) beforehand, we should logically do the same with `AdGuard for Windows` with its dedicated field (i.e. as soon as the code is physically visible to our eyes, we should be able to `Ctrl+F` and type our search). But as I said, I understand the current logic of `AG for Windows` though.
Alex-302 commented 1 year ago

open browser's search by double Ctrl-F

For example, Slack on the first Shift-Esc suggests to clear unread messages, but if you press the hotkey twice - it opens browser's task manager(in Chrome).

contribucious commented 1 year ago

Seems like F3 isn't working on macos.

:bulb: After research, the non OS-specific version of this keyboard shortcut (used by all major browsers for Find next) is: Ctrl+G (Windows/Linux) / Command-G (macOS)  —  Vote post adequately updated.

Still not a viable solution though …   **Because** of the same problematic behavior as `F3` on Firefox, described [here](     :arrow_right_hook: **Can be used as a _standard_ workaround in the meantime however.**     :arrow_right_hook: **Bonus FF fix:** If a Firefox user really needs to do a second search, in the meantime, he can still however UNFOCUS the AdGuard main search field and type `/` (to let the _basic_ `Quick Find` bar appear).  

:mag: Bonus note … #### About the Win/Linux specific `F3` (macOS [too]( for Firefox): While described as `Find next` action on [Firefox]( _("Find Again" using their words)_ and has been for a while on [Chrome too](, on the latter, this hotkey is [now listed]( as an alternative for `Find` action (i.e. `Ctrl+F`) despite its _strictly_ equivalent behavior to `Find next` (i.e. `Ctrl+G`). Probably to clearly signal to Chrome users that on their browser a new search is _always possible_ via this hotkey (putting aside the — yet main — fact that multiple presses on it _will_ search for the next occurrence).
contribucious commented 1 year ago
(Due to the workaround above, there is no rush.)

I prefer cmd/ctrl + shift + f for focusing search field. This option looks valid for me.

I note an advantage to this light/quick solution: you can keep all native stuff with Ctrl + [key] and set AdGuard specific stuff with Ctrl + Shift + [key].

For example (flexible solution that can even be extended in the future):

:camera: Reveal …   ![lF05TXfKYx]( :bulb: _Just use a tooltip on the respective icons to inform the user about these keyboard shortcuts._ ##### Native: `Ctrl + F` **→** search within the "filtering log page" `Ctrl + R` **→** reload the "filtering log page" ##### AdGuard specific stuff: `Ctrl + Shift + F` **→** search within requests `Ctrl + Shift + R` **→** reload the associated tab (i.e. `` here) :new: ###### _(`Ctrl` or … `Cmd` on macOS.)_
contribucious commented 1 year ago
:1st_place_medal: About this flexibility …   Also, Chrome (and [Edge, as detailed here]( — in the stable channel now) seems to have chosen to use `Ctrl + Shift + [key]` when it comes to _special_ tab management. For example, search for a tab within your list of tabs with `Ctrl + Shift + A`. Because `Filtering log` is a tabless popup window, those specific native hotkeys have no effect there. And that's perfect in our situation! Thus, AdGuard can for example search its own tab list similarly using `Ctrl + Shift + A` too **(compare this [AdGuard screenshot]( and this [Edge screenshot](**. After testing under Edge and Firefox, the interception works well. 🙂 Note just that under the latter, it hijacks access to "about:addons" though, but that's okay (because only in this popup). :thumbsup:  
:gift: Possible bonus … ##### By the way, if implemented, in the continuity and if you agree, I'll create another issue (`Feature Request`) to have _classic_ tab management replicated in `Filtering log` too: - `Ctrl + Tab` / `Ctrl + Shift + Tab`; - `Ctrl + [1-9]`. :arrow_right_hook: _AdGuard managing this in relation to its own list of tabs._
Alex-302 commented 1 year ago

Another variant - on the first press opens the search in the edit box, on the secont - browser's search.