AdguardTeam / AdguardForAndroid

Open bug tracker for Android version of AdGuard.
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Gray out the toggle switches on the tracking protection screen when the main tracking protection switch is disabled #5395

Open Nzzyme opened 1 month ago

Nzzyme commented 1 month ago

Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue

AdGuard version



HTTPS filtering

Root access

Integration with AdGuard VPN

Routing mode

Local VPN

Ad Blocking

No response


No response


No response


No response


No response


No response


No response

Which DNS server do you use?

Automatic DNS

DNS protocol


Custom DNS

No response

What Stealth Mode options do you have enabled?

No response

Issue Details

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open AG & navigate to the second tab (Protection)
  2. Tap on the second item (Tracking Protection).
  3. If the main switch for Tracking Protection is enabled, then disable it. If already disabled, then see next step.
  4. Scroll down on the same page and you will see that the user is still able to toggle the custom settings (switches) (enable/disable) under General settings, Tracking methods, Browser API, Miscellaneous.

Expected Behavior

After performing Step 3 mentioned above, when the user scrolls down to see all the other options on that page, the toggle switch state should be "Switch OFF - Disabled" for all the settings on that page as seen in the screenshot. Currently, it allows the user to toggle the switches although it may not actually applying those settings. This is not a good design from a UI perspective.

Actual Behavior

After performing Step 3 mentioned above, when the user scrolls down to see the other options on that page, it allows the user to toggle the switches.



Additional Information

This should not just be applicable for this particular page, but the same logic should apply throughout the app. Another page where this needs to be implemented:

Second tab > DNS Protection > DNS filters > Turn off the main switch on the top for "DNS filters" You will see that the options below still allow the user to toggle the other settings "User rules", etc. The switches should be in the "Switch OFF - Disabled" state.

Versty commented 1 month ago

@Nzzyme Hi!

We are currently improving the screens of our application step by step. We have plans on implementing the logic described above on Tracking protection screen as well. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

Nzzyme commented 1 month ago

The updated title of this issue is not technically right. When the main tracking protection switch is off, then all the switches under that page should be in "Switch OFF and disabled" state (see above screenshot) and not just grayed out.

Let's say that one switch on that page was switched on, then when the main switch is turned off, then if it is just grayed out, then it will technically be "Switch ON - Disabled" which means that the setting is ON in the background but just does not allow the user to change it.