AdguardTeam / AdguardForWindows

AdGuard for Windows open bug tracker
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Proxy support (SOCKS5) #3677

Open PtDragon opened 3 years ago

PtDragon commented 3 years ago

Please add SOCKS5 proxy support in network->proxy settings. You have it on Android version so i guess it can be ported to Windows too.

adbuker commented 3 years ago

@PtDragon , the section, you've mentioned above is only about proxy settings, used for update userscripts, filters etc., i.e. for "inner" purposes. You can use AdGuard as a proxy, selecting this option and tune proxy server in your system to (12346 in my example)

PtDragon commented 3 years ago

What i want is internal support of using socks5 proxy like it is on Android (so i will be able to add socks5 proxy like '' in AdGuard settings and AdGuard will send all requests thru it). I can achieve this using a proxifier but i think that it will be better if it is done directly without other software involved.

CalmLong commented 3 years ago

I also need this feature

Vulcankta commented 1 month ago

Is this feature still no ETA?