AdguardTeam / AdguardForWindows

AdGuard for Windows open bug tracker
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Make the adblocking undetectable for services like YouTube #5091

Closed CodeRiverFoxLife closed 1 month ago

CodeRiverFoxLife commented 2 months ago

Issue Details

I've noticed a lot of google services has been running slow when Adguard is enabled. It isn't slow when Ublock origin is active, So what is the deal? Either Adguard is slowing everything down, or googles Adblock detection is detecting Adguard. Since the effect is mainly in google service, it should be Adblocker detection. Also as a reference, the time it takes to load a YouTube Video (From click to first frame) is around 4-5 seconds without Adguard enabled, and with Adguard enabled it's around 10-20. Maybe it's just my internet connection, But I would appreciate if you can do something.

Proposed solution

I suggest something like Nano-Defender, but for Adguard. Or if it isn't Adblock Detection

Alternative solution

If it isn't Adblock detection, Making Adguard more efficient is an alternate solution. But it is a big ask and I understand if it isn't able to be done

zubrRB commented 2 months ago

AlexandrPkhm commented 2 months ago

@CodeRiverFoxLife Hi,

Can you please clarify if the issue is primarily related to slowness on YouTube or other Google services? Are any other sites affected at all?

Also, please let us know if you are using antivirus software and/or custom filters in the AdGuard application itself.

CodeRiverFoxLife commented 2 months ago

Sites like,,, Google Drive (I forgot the URL for GDrive), etc. As for extra software, I have no antivirus and I disabled defender. (I know not a good move). I can confirm I haven't added any custom filters. But i will give a list of which ones I use which are in the Adguard app: Adguard base filter, Adguard mobile ads filter, Adguard URL tracking filter, Adguard Tracking Protection filter, Adguard social media filter, Adguard Annoyances filter, Adguard cookie notices filter, Adguard popups filter, Adguard mobile apps banner filter, Adguard other annoyances filter, Adguard widgets filter, Adguard warning removal list, Adguard experimental filter, Adguard Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Official polish filters for Adblock..., Adblock list for Finland, Indianlist. I know that's a lot of filters and it's probably slowing my connection. Maybe it's just that my internet isn't good. If you guys can test and find no slowdown, You can close the ticket. I guess at that point it's just my own internet connection betraying me.

AlexandrPkhm commented 2 months ago


Please be aware that the large number of filters and associated rules may impact the page loading speed. If you would like to retain your filter subscriptions, we recommend unchecking the Filter localhost option in the Advanced settings (Settings → General settings → Advanced settings → Filter localhost). Our testing indicates that disabling Filter localhost should result in a notable improvement in loading speeds.

However, if the issue persists after that, we recommend resetting AdGuard settings (Settings → General settings → Reset settings to defaults) and subscribing to a smaller amount of filters.

Please let us know of the results.

CodeRiverFoxLife commented 2 months ago

Can you give me a few suggestions on which filters I should remove? Most of them seem important to me, so I am having trouble deciding.

AlexandrPkhm commented 2 months ago


We generally recommend enabling: AdGuard Base filter, AdGuard Mobile Ads Filter, AdGuard Social Media filter, AdGuard Annoyances filter, AdGuard Tracking Protection filter and language specific filters that you need.

AlexandrPkhm commented 2 months ago

Hi @CodeRiverFoxLife

Could you please let us know if there are any news on the issue?