AdguardTeam / AdguardForWindows

AdGuard for Windows open bug tracker
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Beta version of AdGuard cannot be installed or launched #5129

Closed javakrypt closed 2 weeks ago

javakrypt commented 2 weeks ago

Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue

AdGuard version


Browser version

Edge 125.0.2535.92

OS version

Win 11

Traffic filtering

Ad Blocking

AdGuard Base filter, EasyList


EasyPrivacy, Fanboy's Anti-Facebook List


No response


AdGuard Annoyances filter, AdGuard Cookie Notices filter


Online Malicious URL Blocklist, NoCoin Filter List


No response


No response

Which DNS server do you use?

AdGuard DNS

DNS protocol


Custom DNS

No response

What Stealth Mode options do you have enabled?

No response

Support ticket ID

No response

Issue Details

Steps to reproduce: 1.Try to start AdGuardSvc in services.msc it returns an error

  1. Open the AdGuardSvc application directly 3.Error message appears in cmd window

Expected Behavior

No response

Actual Behavior

An error appears as below:

Unhandled Exception: System. TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '' threw an exception. --- > Sy stem. TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'CHOhi7U6AVPtKUAL6U' threw an exception. --- > System. Exceptio n: This assembly is protected by an unregistered version of Eziriz's ".NET Reactor"! This assembly won't further work. at WFvT84mYy0ls1dobk9.mlJ2B5EJ2bwgyDPhBV. jETIsXyGjwo() at XBlvIhPlqCjV4baOax.A2H11UZ15GsIooGy4G.j49YC5I30uU21K1TNZ6u() at XBlvIhPlqCjV4baOax.A2H11UZ15GsIooGy4G.n0cssoPWI() at XBlvIhPlqCjV4baOax.A2H11UZ15GsIooGy4G.CHOhi7U6AVPtKUAL6U .. cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at XBlvIhPlqCjV4baOax.A2H11UZ15GsIooGy4G. CHOhi7U6AVPtKUAL6U .. ctor(Stream at XBlvIhPlqCjV4baOax.A2H11UZ15GsIooGy4G.n0cssoPWI() at .cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace at Ci6cNn4PJhS5HExmls. swwpN7jHOPnjtqSn4x.HEHQ5evtP(String[]


Screenshot 1 ![image](

Additional Information

It only started today, 11/06/2024. I noticed another user with the problem on Reddit.

zubrRB commented 2 weeks ago

zubrRB commented 2 weeks ago

As a temporary solution, you can install the nightly, which does not yet have this problem.

jokokko commented 2 weeks ago

I hope this is a glitch in the build pipeline (i.e. something invalidating the license of your obfuscator - didn't check past assemblies for use of obfuscators). Not a case of vendor I have trusted resorting to not paying for the software they use.

adbuker commented 2 weeks ago

@jokokko @Six-Elements , now we are working hard on this issue and we'll publish the fix asap. As the @zubrRB suggested you can install the stable 7.17 version or the nightly one. Of course I'll inform about the changing the issue's status. Sorry for the inconvenience

adbuker commented 2 weeks ago

@jokokko @Six-Elements @zubrRB , we've published the fix

Batman2814 commented 2 weeks ago

I am experiencing difficulties in launching AdGuard Adblocker beta on my Windows operating system. Additionally, I am unable to uninstall the AdGuard Adblocker beta program.

adbuker commented 2 weeks ago

@Batman2814 , are you talking about 7.18B2? For unistalling you can also try our utility

zubrRB commented 2 weeks ago

@Batman2814 You can download the installer and install the beta 2.

Batman2814 commented 2 weeks ago

Everything is well now.

zubrRB commented 2 weeks ago

Программы и компоненты содержит запись о старой проблемной версии, при попытке удаления которой окно ошибки.

Ad x2

zubrRB commented 2 weeks ago

Пришлось отмотать системную дату до момента, когда проявилась указанная проблема (10/06/2024), чтобы запустился штатный деинсталлятор и удалил остатки старой версии в Программы и компоненты с запросом перезагрузки системы.

adbuker commented 2 weeks ago

@zubrRB , интересная проблема, на блокировщике повторить не получилось, но на впн - смогли. Будем разбираться, спасибо

zubrRB commented 2 weeks ago

@adbuker блокировщик изначально, как сообщали пользователи выше, не только не запускался, но и не удалялся, после того как спустя неделю сработала защита стороннего ПО. Поэтому и данную запись смог удалить только отмотав дату до того момента, когда защита ещё не сработала, то есть до утра 11 июня. Хотя обычно лишняя запись удалялась сразу, но вместо этого появлялось такое же окно прекращения работы приложения, как по ссылке в моём первом комментарии.