AdguardTeam / AdguardForWindows

AdGuard for Windows open bug tracker
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Adguard does not start with windows #5135

Open takmilihsan opened 1 week ago

takmilihsan commented 1 week ago

Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue

AdGuard version


Browser version

Firefox 127

OS version

Windows 11, 22H2

Traffic filtering

Ad Blocking

AdGuard Base filter


AdGuard Tracking Protection filter


AdGuard Social Media filter


AdGuard Cookie Notices filter, AdGuard Popups filter, AdGuard Mobile App Banners filter, AdGuard Other Annoyances filter, AdGuard Widgets filter


No response


No response


No response

Which DNS server do you use?

Cloudflare DNS

DNS protocol


Custom DNS

No response

What Stealth Mode options do you have enabled?

No response

Support ticket ID

No response

Issue Details

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Turn off PC
  2. Turn PC on

Expected Behavior

Adguard should start with Windows.

Actual Behavior

Adguard does not start with Windows.


Screenshot 1

Additional Information

No response

tonypham9981 commented 1 week ago

i have same error, cant start windows 11

Aydinv13 commented 1 week ago

@takmilihsan @tonypham9981 Hi,

have you updated to v7.18 beta 1 before rebooting? If so, that could have been the problem. Could you try a new build please.

Aydinv13 commented 1 week ago

The logs will be also helpful:

  1. Collect the debug log as it's explained here.
  2. Remember the exact time when the issue was reproduced. We will need it to find the corresponding records in the log file.
  3. Send the archive to and mention this issue number in the subject.
tonypham9981 commented 1 week ago

@Aydinv13 I have downloaded the latest version "AdGuard-7.18.0-Beta-2-.4751". After installing and restarting my PC, I tried to run AdGuard, but nothing happens. Do you need any information from my machine to assist me?

I received a response to collect the debug log and send it to, but I can't open the AdGuard interface. Could you provide instructions on how to collect the log in this situation?

Aydinv13 commented 1 week ago


Sorry, didn't take that detail into account. Open %programdata%/adguard and archive the Logs folder

adbuker commented 1 week ago

@tonypham9981 @takmilihsan unfortunately as @Aydinv13 previously said we had the dramatically issue described here, seems that you've faced it. Please follow the instructions there, and if the issue persist (if I understood the post correctly) please send the logs from %programdata%/adguard

tonypham9981 commented 1 week ago

@Aydinv13 @adbuker I have tried installing "Windows Beta" and "Windows Nightly" but still could not start AdGuard. I have sent an email with the software logs. Thank you.

takmilihsan commented 1 week ago

@adbuker from your linked blog post,

Fortunately, it did not affect the release versions of the apps.

So probably not related to my issue.

@Aydinv13 I think I'll continue to manually start adguard until a fix comes in release. Unfortunately the beta and nightly versions come with their own problems and I keep having to downgrade (have had to do it multiple times in the past year). I hope I don't come off as snarky but if using adguard becomes such an involved process and needs continuous checking, I'd rather use something else. My target is more of a set it and forget it solution like adguard android.

adbuker commented 1 week ago

@takmilihsan, could you please check whether the AdGuard.exe is contained in the list for one or more registry hive's values below



and please check whether the AdGuard is in in Autorun tab within the Task manager. For the privacy reasons please send the answer to the