AdguardTeam / CoreLibs

Core Adguard libraries
Apache License 2.0
39 stars 7 forks source link

Figure out why some rules haven't been parsed successfully #1472

Closed ameshkov closed 2 years ago

ameshkov commented 3 years ago
  "enabledFilterNames" : [ "AdGuard Base filter", "uBlock filters – Resource abuse", "_tu filters2", "_gist filters", "uBlock filters – Badware risks", "uBlock filters -- Unbreak", "AdGuard Tracking Protection filter", "I don't care about cookies", "AdGuard DNS filter", "Adblock Warning Removal List", "Fanboy's Annoyances", "EasyPrivacy", "_tu filters", "AdGuard Annoyances filter", "_tu filters temp", "uBlock filters – Privacy", "AdGuard Mobile Ads filter", "Greek AdBlock Filter" ],
15:28:12.966 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=229
15:28:13.042 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (###\[CookieBanner\])
15:28:13.117 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=11
15:28:13.123 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( > ul.Wow\(bw\) > .js-stream-content:has(> div[class^="Pos"] > div[class*="--"] > .cluster-ad-container))
15:28:13.124 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( > ul.Wow\(bw\) > .js-stream-content:has(> [class*="smartphone_"] > h3 > a[href^=""][rel*="noopener noreferrer"]))
15:28:13.125 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( > ul.Wow\(bw\) > .js-stream-content > .controller:has(> [class*="smartphone_"] > a[href^=""][rel="noopener noreferrer"]))
15:28:13.146 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - rulecommon_extract_apps(): Found duplicate app name:
15:28:13.150 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=14
15:28:13.251 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=15
15:28:13.419 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=207
15:28:13.423 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=10004
15:28:13.424 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.424 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.425 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 1 !important;))
15:28:13.426 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 1px; margin: 0; min-height: auto; visibility: hidden; width: 1px;))
15:28:13.428 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( none !important;))
15:28:13.429 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name (fingerprint2.js) in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.429 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||^*/fingerprint2.min.js$script,redirect=fingerprint2.js,1p' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.430 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.433 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( auto !important;))
15:28:13.433 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (downloadsource.*##dl > .date:not(dt):style(width: initial !important; height: initial !important; clip: unset !important; display: inline-block !important;))
15:28:13.433 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (downloadsource.*##dl > .date:upward(dl):style(width: initial !important; height: initial !important; clip: unset !important; display: inline-block !important;))
15:28:13.434 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 30px !important;))
15:28:13.434 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( .cb-post-block__comments .collapseable-comments__collapse:style(margin-bottom: 0px !important;))
15:28:13.435 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( .cb-post-block__comments:style(margin-bottom: 0 !important; top: -97px !important;))
15:28:13.435 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( .collapseable-comments__collapseable:style(margin-bottom: -80px !important;))
15:28:13.435 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0 !important;))
15:28:13.437 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ([id^="google_ads_iframe"]:style(max-height: 1px !important;))
15:28:13.437 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ([id^="google_ads_iframe_"]:style(max-height: 1px !important;))
15:28:13.438 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 1px !important;))
15:28:13.439 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (,,,, .subscriber-hider:style(display:block!important))
15:28:13.439 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (,,,, .subscribe-truncate:style(max-height:unset!important;order:unset!important;))
15:28:13.440 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (,,,, .subscribe-truncate::before:style(background:none!important;))
15:28:13.441 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (,,!important))
15:28:13.442 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (,,!important))
15:28:13.442 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (,,!important;max-height:inherit!important))
15:28:13.445 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.445 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||^$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.447 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( inherit !important;))
15:28:13.447 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( > header:style(margin-top: 40px !important))
15:28:13.447 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( !important))
15:28:13.448 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0 !important;))
15:28:13.448 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0 !important;))
15:28:13.448 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - scriptlets_parse_rule(): scriptlet with name ubo-no-fetch-if was not found in scriptlets base (rule: ('ubo-no-fetch-if', ''))
15:28:13.449 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - jsfilter_addrule(): scriptlet rule ('ubo-no-fetch-if', '')) is invalid, returning with error
15:28:13.449 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] ERROR Native.AGProxyFilter - add rule status 0
15:28:13.449 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.449 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,,important' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.449 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.449 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '@@||$script,,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.450 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( !important;))
15:28:13.450 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( !important))
15:28:13.451 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.451 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( !important))
15:28:13.451 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.452 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.452 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - scriptlets_parse_rule(): scriptlet with name ubo-fingerprint2 was not found in scriptlets base (rule: ('ubo-fingerprint2'))
15:28:13.452 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - jsfilter_addrule(): scriptlet rule ('ubo-fingerprint2')) is invalid, returning with error
15:28:13.453 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] ERROR Native.AGProxyFilter - add rule status 0
15:28:13.453 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.453 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,||')
15:28:13.453 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=10005
15:28:13.461 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( block !important;))
15:28:13.462 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( > #pushdown > .gb_Cc.gb_g:style(display: none!important;),!important)
15:28:13.463 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0px!important;))
15:28:13.463 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0px !important;))
15:28:13.464 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0!important;))
15:28:13.464 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0px!important;))
15:28:13.464 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (!important;))
15:28:13.470 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=118
15:28:13.528 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=10006
15:28:13.537 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( block !important;))
15:28:13.540 [main] INFO  c.a.a.r.NetworkStateReceiver - Start NetworkStateReceiver.onReceive(
15:28:13.540 [main] INFO  c.a.a.r.NetworkStateReceiver - Finished NetworkStateReceiver.onReceive(
15:28:13.539 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( > #pushdown > .gb_Cc.gb_g:style(display: none!important;),!important)
15:28:13.546 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0px!important;))
15:28:13.547 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0px !important;))
15:28:13.548 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0!important;))
15:28:13.548 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( 0px!important;))
15:28:13.548 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it (!important;))
15:28:13.553 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=10008
15:28:13.553 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=121
15:28:13.563 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=10010
15:28:13.569 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=122
15:28:13.628 [threadmanager-single-pool-3-thread-1] INFO  c.a.a.r.NetworkStateReceiver - Handle Wi-Fi state change
15:28:13.675 [threadmanager-single-pool-3-thread-1] INFO - handleWiFiChanged: Network, oldState=1, newState=2
15:28:13.675 [threadmanager-single-pool-3-thread-1] INFO  c.a.a.r.NetworkStateReceiver - Finished handling asynchronously
15:28:13.675 [threadmanager-single-pool-3-thread-1] INFO  c.a.a.r.NetworkStateReceiver - Start handling asynchronously
15:28:13.679 [threadmanager-single-pool-3-thread-1] INFO  c.a.a.r.NetworkStateReceiver - Handle Wi-Fi state change
15:28:13.687 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=10011
15:28:13.690 [threadmanager-single-pool-3-thread-1] INFO - handleWiFiChanged: Network, oldState=2, newState=3
15:28:13.691 [threadmanager-single-pool-3-thread-1] INFO  c.a.a.r.NetworkStateReceiver - Finished handling asynchronously
15:28:13.695 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] INFO  Native.AGProxyFilter - Loading rules, listId=10012
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.696 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||*/addthis_widget.js$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$important,script,,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name ( in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$important,script,,' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.697 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - scriptlets_parse_rule(): unexpected character between elements ("]')) - expected delimiter (,)
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - jsfilter_addrule(): scriptlet rule ('ubo-ra', 'onmousedown', '[onmousedown^="return enc(this', ''"]')) is invalid, returning with error
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] ERROR Native.AGProxyFilter - add rule status 0
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - scriptlets_parse_rule(): unexpected character between elements (.js'')) - expected delimiter (,)
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - jsfilter_addrule(): scriptlet rule (,,'ubo-acis', 'document.createElement', ''.js'')) is invalid, returning with error
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] ERROR Native.AGProxyFilter - add rule status 0
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - scriptlets_parse_rule(): unexpected character between elements (script'')) - expected delimiter (,)
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - jsfilter_addrule(): scriptlet rule ('ubo-acis', 'document.createElement', ''script'')) is invalid, returning with error
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] ERROR Native.AGProxyFilter - add rule status 0
15:28:13.698 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.699 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - redirect_rule_parse(): there is no resource with such name (fingerprint2.js) in the redirect resources base
15:28:13.699 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): rule '||$script,redirect=fingerprint2.js,important' has wrong syntax
15:28:13.699 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.urlfilter - extract_redirect(): redirect modifier should have 'redirect=<resource_name>' format (rule='@@||$script,redirect-rule,')
15:28:13.699 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.netfilter - netrule_parse(): there is no '$network' modifier in the rule (rule='*##+js(no-floc)')
15:28:13.699 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - scriptlets_parse_rule(): scriptlet with name ubo-no-floc was not found in scriptlets base (rule: ('ubo-no-floc'))
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - jsfilter_addrule(): scriptlet rule (*#%#//scriptlet('ubo-no-floc')) is invalid, returning with error
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] ERROR Native.AGProxyFilter - add rule status 0
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - scriptlets_parse_rule(): unexpected character between elements ('')) - expected delimiter (,)
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - jsfilter_addrule(): scriptlet rule ('ubo-set', 'tweakersConfig.wtConfig.scriptUrl', '''')) is invalid, returning with error
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] ERROR Native.AGProxyFilter - add rule status 0
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - scriptlets_parse_rule(): scriptlet with name ubo-aost was not found in scriptlets base (rule: ('ubo-aost', 'btoa', 'send'))
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.jsfilter - jsfilter_addrule(): scriptlet rule ('ubo-aost', 'btoa', 'send')) is invalid, returning with error
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] ERROR Native.AGProxyFilter - add rule status 0
15:28:13.700 [protection-pool-9-thread-1] WARN  Native.cssfilter - cssfilter_addrule(): Rule is not valid, ignoring it ( !important))
ngorskikh commented 3 years ago

$redirect rules point to non-existent resource (

These'ubo-fingerprint2')'ubo-aost', 'btoa', 'send')

use non-existent scriptlets.

These'ubo-ra', 'onmousedown', '[onmousedown^="return enc(this', ''"]'),,'ubo-acis', 'document.createElement', ''.js'')'ubo-acis', 'document.createElement', ''script'')'ubo-set', 'tweakersConfig.wtConfig.scriptUrl', '''')

are the result of bad conversion, fixing now.

Other issues seem to be fixed already.