AdguardTeam / CoreLibs

Core Adguard libraries
Apache License 2.0
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Show cosmetic rules in the filtering log #180

Open ameshkov opened 6 years ago

ameshkov commented 6 years ago

The idea is to collect cosmetic rules and show them in the filtering log.

Here's how it can be done:

  1. We need to add some kind of a "cosmetic rules hits collector" to the content script.
  2. It must be disabled by default (unless filtering log is opened).
  3. Once it is opened, hits collector should start scanning DOM elements and detect elements hidden by AG.

For scriptlet rules we could rely on hit() calls.

The task is partly implemented since CoreLibs v1.12, but there're issues that need to be resolved before we announce it publicly.

jputting commented 1 year ago

I am still extremely unhappy with the truly dreadful customer support provided by Adguard to customers whom have a fully paid for Personal Lifetime License.

For the record, I am not in any way asking for an enhancement to Adguard.

This issue I have reported is a Technical Fault with the Adguard Filtering Logs NOT recognizing blocked items.

This Technical Support issue has been incorrectly categorised as it is very clearly NOT a request for an enhancement.

Please deal with this Technical Support issue urgently as when the Adguard Filter Log doesn't recognise that items are blocked it then becomes a very, very long drawn out and difficult process to discover what is causing an issue with a webpage.

Once again your so called Technical Support has failed dismally, it is unacceptable that Adguard Customers should have to endure such extremely bad Technical Support and extremely long delays.

It has well over a month since I raised this Technical Support issue and yet still after all this time there is NO fix for this problem with the Adguard Filtering Logs.

jputting commented 1 year ago

It is unbelievable and TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE that Adguard has STILL NOT implemented this"Show Cosmetic Rules In Filtering Log".

This was originally raised way, way, way back in 2018 and yet Adguard has done absolutely NOTHING to implement this.

Other ad blockers such as ublock Origin, the filtering logs do clearly show when a Cosmetic or User/Custom rule is in effect.

This webpage not displaying correctly was due to a Filter List rule and it still is an actual Technical Fault because absolutely NOTHING in the Filtering Logs showed that any Filter List rule was blocking anything at all.

This should NOT be the case, ALL BLOCKED ITEMS should be reported.

When Blocked Items are NOT REPORTED AT ALL, do you understand that this makes discovering the source of a webpage problem and extremely time consuming, difficult and painstaking process.

To discover the source of the problem I literally had to spend several hours of my valuable time disabling each and every single Adguard function one at a time and then reloading the webpage until I discovered the source of the problem.

It is absolutely disgusting and quite shameful that after 5 very, very long years Adguard has still done absolutely NOTHING about this.

piquark6046 commented 5 months ago

I think that integrating with AdGuard Assistant web browser extension and using localStorage (or cookie) API helps the issue to resolve.