www.recaptcha.net is a subdomain of recaptcha.net. DNS resolution of www.recaptcha.net points to with a location in Mountain View, California US. Network services are provided by Google. Parent domain registration belongs to Google Inc., registered through MarkMonitor, Inc.. The server responds with an SSL certificate issud by Google Trust Services to Google Llc under the common name misc.google.com.whois data
reCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse. A “CAPTCHA” is a turing test to tell human and bots apart. It is easy for humans to solve, but hard for “bots” and other malicious software to figure out.
www.recaptcha.net is a subdomain of recaptcha.net. DNS resolution of www.recaptcha.net points to with a location in Mountain View, California US. Network services are provided by Google. Parent domain registration belongs to Google Inc., registered through MarkMonitor, Inc.. The server responds with an SSL certificate issud by Google Trust Services to Google Llc under the common name misc.google.com. whois data
reCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse. A “CAPTCHA” is a turing test to tell human and bots apart. It is easy for humans to solve, but hard for “bots” and other malicious software to figure out.