AdhocAdam / smletsexchangeconnector

SMLets PowerShell based Exchange Connector for controlling Microsoft System Center Service Manager 2016+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Predict Affected/Impacted Configuration Item(s) #12

Closed AdhocAdam closed 4 years ago

AdhocAdam commented 6 years ago

Invent a way to parse emails that are about a Configuration Item and relate it to a Work Item.

AdhocAdam commented 6 years ago

While the SCOM integration is only in its infancy, it seems doable to:

This however relies on the management pack existing across SCOM and SCSM and of course both products existing in any environment.

The above idea however does not address the ultimate goal of this request which is to either intentionally create a Work Item with a related Config Item as defined by the Sender or inferred from the Sender.

AdhocAdam commented 4 years ago

In the spirit of the current ML functionality (originally raised on #112), the plan is to extend that by honoring custom in house developed classes, ANY 3rd party management packs, and of course stock Microsoft MPs whether they ship native SCSM or native SCOM. While only the first pass, I think it's best shot at ensuring usability across environments of any shape or size.

For example, the following SCSM DW SQL Query will prep an Incident data set that came in through email, with Affected Config Items. Depending on the resulting data set, it's possible further preperation may be required to prevent overfitting of data such as ignore all Child Incidents, include SCOM generated Incidents since they reliably produce Affected CIs, etc.

    ir.title as 'Email_Subject',
    ir.Description as 'Email_Description',
    ic.EnumTypeId as 'Case_Subject',
    tq.EnumTypeId as 'Queue_Name',
    'ir' as 'Case_CaseType',
    STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ',' + cast(ci2.BaseManagedEntityId as varchar(38))
            FROM IncidentDim as ir2
                INNER JOIN EntityDim as e2 on ir2.entitydimkey = e2.entitydimkey
                INNER JOIN workitemdim as wi2 on e2.entitydimkey = wi2.entitydimkey
                INNER JOIN workitemaboutconfigitemfactvw as wiaci2 on wi2.workitemdimkey = wiaci2.workitemdimkey
                INNER JOIN configitemdim as ci2 on wiaci2.workitemaboutconfigitem_configitemdimkey = ci2.configitemdimkey
            WHERE ir2.Id = ir.Id
            FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') as [Affected_Config_Items]
FROM IncidentDim as ir
    INNER JOIN IncidentTierQueuesvw as tq on ir.TierQueue_IncidentTierQueuesId = tq.IncidentTierQueuesId
    INNER JOIN IncidentClassification as ic on ir.Classification_IncidentClassificationId = ic.IncidentClassificationId
    INNER JOIN EntityDim as e on ir.entitydimkey = e.entitydimkey
    INNER JOIN workitemdim as wi on e.entitydimkey = wi.entitydimkey
    INNER JOIN workitemaboutconfigitemfactvw as wiaci on wi.workitemdimkey = wiaci.workitemdimkey
    INNER JOIN configitemdim as ci on wiaci.workitemaboutconfigitem_configitemdimkey = ci.configitemdimkey
WHERE ir.createddate > '1-1-2020'
    and wiaci.DeletedDate is null
    and ir.Source like '%email%'
    and ir.Title is not null
    and ir.Description is not null

group by ir.Id,

This query would return something to the effect of:

Email_Subject Email_Description Case_Subject Queue_Name Case_CaseType Affected_Config_Items
issue with computer i'm having trouble logging in 5f89436e-6373-40f9-86c8-c3e3d6768578 d15b74b6-8cfb-46d2-948c-eacf802ef095 ir 8d6d205a-6a14-4801-bc0d-ffb5cfad89e0,7c059164-fdc0-4b03-bffe-730d8027bce3

Then for Service Requests, the same query is taken from above will slight modifications made. All in all, they are pretty much the identical query.

    sr.title as 'Email_Subject',
    sr.Description as 'Email_Description',
    sa.EnumTypeId as 'Case_Subject',
    sg.EnumTypeId as 'Queue_Name',
    'sr' as 'Case_CaseType',
    STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ',' + cast(ci2.BaseManagedEntityId as varchar(38))
            FROM servicerequestdim as sr2
                INNER JOIN EntityDim as e2 on sr2.entitydimkey = e2.entitydimkey
                INNER JOIN workitemdim as wi2 on e2.entitydimkey = wi2.entitydimkey
                INNER JOIN workitemaboutconfigitemfactvw as wiaci2 on wi2.workitemdimkey = wiaci2.workitemdimkey
                INNER JOIN configitemdim as ci2 on wiaci2.workitemaboutconfigitem_configitemdimkey = ci2.configitemdimkey
            WHERE sr2.Id = sr.Id
            FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') as [Affected_Config_Items]
FROM servicerequestdim as sr
    INNER JOIN ServiceRequestSupportGroup as sg on sr.SupportGroup_ServiceRequestSupportGroupId = sg.ServiceRequestSupportGroupId
    INNER JOIN ServiceRequestArea as sa on sr.Area_ServiceRequestAreaId = sa.ServiceRequestAreaId
    INNER JOIN EntityDim as e on sr.entitydimkey = e.entitydimkey
    INNER JOIN workitemdim as wi on e.entitydimkey = wi.entitydimkey
    INNER JOIN workitemaboutconfigitemfactvw as wiaci on wi.workitemdimkey = wiaci.workitemdimkey
    INNER JOIN configitemdim as ci on wiaci.workitemaboutconfigitem_configitemdimkey = ci.configitemdimkey
WHERE sr.createddate > '1-1-2020'
    and wiaci.DeletedDate is null
    and sr.Source like '%email%'
    and sr.Title is not null
    and sr.Description is not null

group by sr.Id,
Again, similiar results are returned only now centered around Service Requests Email_Subject Email_Description Case_Subject Queue_Name Case_CaseType Affected_Config_Items
access request Can i get a license assigned to my account to use the application? 05ad7825-3443-4cd4-b7f9-59c88e8236e2 590cd1c8-b27e-425d-ada5-c695e87f12ae sr b73721ca-5409-4837-8200-0f69bf9a0622

Following this the current Azure Machine Learnig Studio Experiments would need to be altered:

  1. SCSM Email Work Item Classification

    • the "Apply SQL Transformation" step near the top which follows your Ticket dataset needs to change to include the new Affected_Config_Items column. This can be done with the following: select Affected_Config_Items,Case_CaseType, Queue_Name,Case_Subject, Email_Subject || ' ' || Email_Description as Email_Text from t1;
    • from left to right after the "Feature Hashing" step, the first 3 "Select Columns in Dataset" need to add a new column to exclude which is: Affected_Config_Items
    • a wholly new "branch" (e.g. all of the steps that follow the "Feature Hashing" step) need to be made for Config Items. From left to right, just duplicate the 3rd. This new branch...
      • "Select Columns in Dataset" needs to exclude Case_Subject, Case_CaseType, Queue_Name
      • "Filter Based Feature Selection" should select "Affected_Config_Items" as its column
      • The two "Split Data" steps should select "Affected_Config_Items" as their column
      • "Tune Model Hyperparameters" should select "Affected_Config_Items" as its column configpredict01
  2. SCSM Email Work Item (Create Web service w/ trained models)

    • similiar to the first experiment, need a new Score Model from "Feature Hashing". This connects to a new "Execute R Script"
    • the new "Execute R Script" needs to be modified on Line 16 to update the column names being used to the following: colnames(data.set) <- c("Affected_Config_Items","Affected_Config_Items_Probability")
    • daisy chain the new "Execute R Script" into another "Add Columns" to ultimatley distill all 4 branches into the single "Web Service Output" configpredict02

Following this, the Get-AMLWorkItemProbability function would be updated introducing two new key/value pairs on the returned object:

    $probabilityMatrix | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AffectedConfigItem -Value $probabilityResults[6]
    $probabilityMatrix | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AffectedConfigItemConfidence -Value (($probabilityResults[7] -as [decimal]) * 100)

Finally, when New-WorkItem optionally calls Get-AMLWorkItemProbability it would be able to parse the returned Config Item(s) and relate them to the Work Item as Impacted Config Items assuming minimum confidence thresholds were hit. e.g.

$amlProbability = Get-AMLWorkItemProbability -EmailSubject "account" -EmailBody "i think something is locking my account out. can you see if everything is ok?"
$amlProbability.AffectedConfigItem.Split(",") | %{New-SCSMRelationshipObject -Relationship $wiAboutCIRelClass -Source $newWorkItem -Target $_ -Bulk @scsmMGMTParams}
AdhocAdam commented 4 years ago

To be released with #180 and #181