AdiBricks / Frontendtriiii2222

Apache License 2.0
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Crossover Review Ticket #1

Open AdiBricks opened 8 months ago

AdiBricks commented 8 months ago
Name Team+Indi+Teacher Key Commit Analytics Individual Ticket
Aditya Ramesh COMMIT Profile Individual Ticket
Gavin Dyke COMMIT Profile Individual Ticket
Sai Tailsetty COMMIT Profile Individual Ticket
Aditya Samavedam COMMIT Profile Individual Ticket
spooketti commented 8 months ago

Team Review "Scrum Master A" grading "Scrum Master B"

Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions

Team: 0.86: I liked your guys work, the driving game concept has a really good start, only thing I'd change is a bit more control / a blinking effect but binary/code wise it's great. Great work guys, can't wait to see what you'll do next. Aaditya R: 0.87, I really liked your work in PyGame, I've always admired game development and it's a big reason why I got started in coding. Your front end works really nice, just maybe add a bit more detail and you're set!

Alright, that aside here is what I recommend you do to help you guys grow and prosper: From what I saw your project is a little lacking in terms of graphics, which is fine but I believe a few images / CSS changes / that sort of nature could help.

Gameplay: it is a little confusing on what is going on without an explanation but otherwise it looks solid.

The only thing I'd recommend is to really hone in on that "binary" aspect of the project and make it special.

That's all I'd change, thank you for showing this to me!