AdityaSripal / sangam

Apache License 2.0
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Collectives #8

Open colin-axner opened 4 years ago

colin-axner commented 4 years ago


Collectives on sangam are groups of creators who use the same donation address. The donation address then distributes donations equally to each member. The architecure proposal allows for this without adding a notion of collectives into the code, but more complex features such as governance for these collectives, adding/removing members, unregistering content that disagrees with the collectives aims, etc


Allow a collective to be registered as module account. The initial registration provides a list of addresses of members, optionally has a hash of a text file declaring their values. Allow governance so this collective can add/remove members, remove bad content from the registery which has their donation address (this may be a debatable feature). The collectives should support some sort of distribution function that when called by any address (?) will distribute equally to all current members of the collective.


There are several reasons creators may want to be in a collective. In general, branding will be more successful than as individual artists. One artist in the collective may help benefit another artist through influence of the fan base. Some artists will not care for receiving a large amount of donations and will be willing to allow their name recognition to help support others in the collective. Collectives could also vote to set aside part of the donations for organizational costs (accounting fees, ipfs node hosting of creator content so each member is not obliged to handle this, other off chain costs of production/management)

There can be legal benefits as well. I am by far no expert, but I imagine it may be easier to make the collective into a company so that each artist receives an income from the company. This would provide more legal protection for each individual artist.

For codebases, this would provide a nifty solution as well. Codeowners are members of the collective. Easy distribution donations rather than having to create some arbitrary off chain procedure.

I propose that the creation/improvement of the sangam codebase be a collective. Any user who contributes to the prelaunch code may be a member of the collective if they so wish, however there may be rules in collective such as discontinued contribution after "x" amounts of months is grounds for removal from the collective

colin-axner commented 4 years ago

consider integrating with open collective