Adjuvo / SenseCom

Hosts the SenseGlove communications software files. Topics related to its UI and SenseGlove device sommunications go here.
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Known Bug: SenseCom Freezing on Shutdown #1

Open MaxLammers opened 2 years ago

MaxLammers commented 2 years ago

When Pressing the "Exit" button, (or the cross icon above it), a "Shutting Down" message appears on screen, but the software does not shut down and freezes.

On some systems, when turning off one's Nova Glove manually while SenseCom is running, there is a chance that this change is not detected by the internal Serial communications. When shutting down SenseCom, the process will attempt to close a connection that is no longer open, resulting in infinite waiting time.

Sometimes the process succeeds and will shut down after 5 seconds or so. Letting the program crash, or otherwise ending the process via Task Manager or equivalent, will terminate the process without further issues. Restarting the software will cause it to run as normal.