Implementation of the standard SenseGlove API into an example ros_workspace. The workspace features a few publishing topics where users can find glove_pose positions, fingertip_positions, glove_angles, etc. Integration with ROS Control for Force Feedback and Vibration.
"No trajectory defined at current time" is one of the warnings that gets pushed out by ros_control. This is an issue with a setup for a third party developer. We should check if this is due to some timing issue (ros time vs system time) or that the code is slow, maybe we implement the action interface in an incorrect way.
"No trajectory defined at current time" is one of the warnings that gets pushed out by ros_control. This is an issue with a setup for a third party developer. We should check if this is due to some timing issue (ros time vs system time) or that the code is slow, maybe we implement the action interface in an incorrect way.