Implementation of the standard SenseGlove API into an example ros_workspace. The workspace features a few publishing topics where users can find glove_pose positions, fingertip_positions, glove_angles, etc. Integration with ROS Control for Force Feedback and Vibration.
This issue is about the lack of a GUI for implementing the calibration sequence. Although the current interface has already been used in a third party application an in-house solution has not yet been presented. Fixing this issue should thus lead to a GUI that makes use of the calibration sequence, which in turn should adjust the hand model used by the sensegloves to more accurately reflect the pose of the hand.
This issue is about the lack of a GUI for implementing the calibration sequence. Although the current interface has already been used in a third party application an in-house solution has not yet been presented. Fixing this issue should thus lead to a GUI that makes use of the calibration sequence, which in turn should adjust the hand model used by the sensegloves to more accurately reflect the pose of the hand.